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Photography Question 

Angela K. Harter


I am trying to find an online course that will help with my lighting issues! I have been looking into that one from NY but not sure about it and if it's worth the money (not that I wouldn't pay a decent amount but I also don't want to get ripped off)... Thanks in advance for your advice!!

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January 16, 2008


Kerry Drager
  Hi Angela,
Thanks for your interest in's online courses - you've come to the right place!

Here at BP, our classes are totally interactive, with instructors with tons of professional and teaching experience and with up-to-date lessons. Check out our testimonials page (plus, see a link of reviews of specific courses).

Not sure which kind of lighting you are interested in (i.e., studio, flash, natural light), but since we have an excellent selection, here's a sampling:

Studio-type lighting:
- Understanding the Tools of Lighting
- Studio Portrait Lighting
- Portrait Lighting on Location & in the Studio

Natural light:
- Techniques of Natural Light Photography
- Portrait Photography Using Available Light
- Creative Light & Composition

- Taking the Mystery Out of Flash Photography
- Drills for Creative Flash Photography
- Mastering Your Canon Flash

For any class, be sure to check out the links underneath the title: i.e., outline, FAQ, etc.!

By the way, here's a quick mini-tour of how our classes work:

By the way, we also have an excellent year-long program in a variety of subjects, and graduates receive not only a certificate but also a free bonus 4-week course and a free Pro BetterPholio web site (a total $547 value)! Check out ClassTracks...

Hope this is helpful - let me know if you have any further questions!

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January 16, 2008


Debby A. Tabb
  Good day Angela,
First off What issues are you having? and what do you have for a light system?
I will try to be as much help as I can.
Also there are many lighting,posing and business issues adressed in the
"Studio Photography Threads"
Here is the link to Part #1 (of 23)

I believe you'll find it helpful,
Debby TAbb

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January 16, 2008

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
Carlton Ward's Gallery
  Hello Angela, I am currently taking the "Understanding the Tools of Lighting" course and John provides a lot of information covering a wide range of equipment and the thought process for setting up lights and all the other variables involved.
We have been in class for a week but its not too late to jump in.
Look through the course outlines and see what fits.

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January 16, 2008


John H. Siskin
  Hi Everybody,
Lighting is basically simple. There are two and a half important things. The first is color, if your color is a problem, say you have a strobe and a sixty watt bulb, the color doesn’t match. Or maybe you’re trying to shoot with fluorescent lights, well they don’t have a continuous spectrum, or rainbow, and the light isn’t the same at every moment. The light actually changes with the sixty cycle alternating current that comes from the wall. Regardless you have to get the color of light to work wee in order to make a good image.

The biggest thing that we can control as photographers is the size of the light source. This is number two. A big light source will work like an overcast day; light comes from everywhere. A small source is like a bright sunny day; you get harsh deep shadows.

Finally direction is half important: placing a big light source isn’t critical, because the light comes from everywhere, and a small light source changes the way it looks every time you move it, so it is important.
Thanks, John Siskin
Ps. Please take one of my classes!

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January 17, 2008


Holly J. Jackson
  I took one of John Sisken's classes and found it to be VERY informative and well worth the time and money! I highly reccommend him as an instructor! ; )

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March 18, 2008


John H. Siskin
  Thanks Holly! I am always trying to help. John Siskin

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March 18, 2008

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