Modou J. Jallow |
Lens Ive recently Bought a Canon Elan IIe, I bought the camera with a Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 lens...well to make a long story short a friend offered to trade me a Sigma AF 28-105 f/4-5.6 UC II lens for mine. I was just wondering if that would be a good trade off....because I tried to look online for any reviews about the lens, and I couldn't find any.....i am new to photography and I am not sure whether or not this would be a good trade off.
- Gregory LaGrange Contact Gregory LaGrange Gregory LaGrange's Gallery |
All first searches bring up a 28-105 f/2.8-4 So any reviews are old news. What's good for you depends on what you want to add later. I like the 50mm focal length and I don't see any situations for me where'd I trade a large aperture lens for a smaller one. If that zoom range appeals to you, the f2.8-4 is listed at 180 pounds(think around $210 u.s. money). Price is relative, but it sounds like it's not a painful purchase. Check some reviews of the newer version. You may want to keep your 50 and buy a zoom.
Jon Close |
Even though both lenses sold for about the same amount when new, I would not make this trade. While built cheap and flimsy, the EF 50 f/1.8 (original or II version) has very good optical performance, it's a very sharp lens. A 28-105 zoom is a nice focal length range for use with the film camera, but that model Sigma is not a particularly sharp lens, and its maximum aperture is not particularly good for low light or acheiving shallow depth of field. Better would be Canon's EF 28-105 f/3.5-4.5 USM. The Sigma 28-105 f/4-5.6 UC II is long out of production. It was designed/manufactured prior to 2002 and is one of Sigma's "problem" lenses with Canon EOS digital SLRs. It works fine on the older film cameras, but Sigma did an incomplete job in backward engineering the lens/camera communication. It won't work properly with the later film models and digital EOS cameras, locking the mirror up and/or giving an ERR 99 fault. See
Modou J. Jallow |
Thank you guys very much! I really appreciate it, I think I am going to keep my 50mm... its funny because after I posted this I tried taking some photos the day after and the lens wouldn't focus when I had it set in auto-focus ....But yeah... Thanks again!
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