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Category: Macro Photography Tip

Photography Question 
- Nanette B. Stephens

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Nanette B. Stephens
Nanette B. Stephens's Gallery

Photographing Trees With Ice

I was driving to work and noticed how lovely the trees look with the ice on them. I have a Nikon N80, 28-80 & 28-105 Nikkor lens, and using Fuji Professional film and would like some advice on how shoot them. Where there are buildings in the background, would I shoot with aperture priority, or would I be better off shooting with shutter priority? When viewing them, the tree trunks and branches are dark in color, while the ice is clear. I found a couple of trees with red berries still on them along with the ice and some have little nests in them. Thank you in advance!

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December 11, 2007

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  Which priority doesn't matter much. You can adjust one until you get the desired other setting. Get close, get back. Look for details and walk around for different angles. The light is going to make the ice look different depending on which way it's coming and point of view. It's a good time for some black and white too!

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December 11, 2007


Bob Cammarata
  Get in close to record the intimate details of individual ice-laden branches rather than the whole frozen landscape, which is really hard to re-create. And remember that deep shade will render "blue ice" without a warming filter. Meter (manually) off something neutral in the same light for best results.

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December 11, 2007

- Nanette B. Stephens

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Nanette B. Stephens
Nanette B. Stephens's Gallery
  Thank you both for your advice. I did want to try some black & white besides color and the meter idea is something I didn't think of. I will keep you posted of the results.

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December 12, 2007

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