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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

First Timer

Hi, I'm a first timer in the world of cameras but I do have a very heavy interest in the field of photography. I do lol with my tongue out when I see some superb photos on National Geographic, landscapes, nature, etc.
I'm very much confused so as to know what kind of camera to buy. Today, I checked out a Canon EOS 300. Kinda liked it. But when I go thru some photography web sites, a very promisingly confusing question is asked in one of the sites, i.e. if you're buying an SLR camera with a 28-80mm f/3.5 lens, stop & think whether you really need such an expensive one or wouldn't a point & shoot do the job? Kinda true & confusing. Secondly, many friends are raving about Canon. I'd like to get some advice if there are other models & brands which can do a better job. Also some advice on which camera bodies are reasonably or cheaply priced with no much mention on quality & a guide on the best lenses available.

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October 01, 1999 - Jim Miotke

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: King
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  The big advantage that comes with most SLRs is creative flexibility; you can eventually buy and use other lens and you can override automatic settings to create special effects.
Your friends are right to rave about Canon; they make great cameras. There is an ongoing religious war between Canon and Nikon. They both offer great equipment - I just tell people to use what feels most natural.
As for a guide on lenses, etc.... Stay tuned. The best is yet to come.

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September 27, 2001

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