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Photography Question 

Jodi M. Walsh

Slide Scanners

Hi there,

my dad has been a photographer/artist for years and most of his pictures are on slides. he's found it's really expensive to get them converted to prints but has heard of this Slide Scanner but can't seem to find one or anything about it.

i'm looking for him now and have found this Veho film and slide converter and the plustek opticfilm. does anyone know anything about these or can recommend something else?


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December 07, 2007


Pete H
  Hello Jodi,

I have used this slide copier many times. While it is somewhat slow to copy many slides, I found it VERY useful. The old slides I had are now digitized AND I was able to do post processing..dust removal, saturation, sharpening etc...

all the best

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December 07, 2007


anonymous A.
  There are lots of dedicated slide scanners and many flat-bed copiers also have a slide adapter. Irecently scanned 300 slides with an Epson flatbed using an adapter...very tedious: get one that has an autofeed option!
Nikon make a range drom about $500 and there is a review of other options here:

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December 07, 2007


Jodi M. Walsh
  thanks pete and david... that helps me to narrow down the search and give him some options.

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December 07, 2007

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