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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Julie M. Cwik

Printing Websites

If I was looking for a website to host/sell my images (besides this one of course!) and my choices were PrintRoom or SmugMug. What would you suggest and why?
Also... I'm realizing that I need a Tax ID number (TIN) or EIN but I'm reading that if I'm a Sole Priorter that I don't need one, I can use my SSN as that. Is that true? Any Advanced Photographers out there that can help me out?
Thanks in Advanced!

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October 28, 2007


Ariel Lepor
  I'm interested in this too. I've heard of Smugmug, but not PrintRoom, so that might be a hint. But I want to follow this thread...

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October 28, 2007


Pete H
  Hello Julie,

Ya' might be interested in this one.
They are one of a few that I currently use to display and sell.

Why? You'll have to check out what they offer..and for the price?..well; hard to beat.

all the best,


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October 28, 2007


Ariel Lepor
  I actually used to use ifp3, but I wasn't able to really market my site and decided to cancel (and I intend to make a site which I could control more myself for simple web hosting cost). They don't do printing for you, anyway, and you can only host small sizes (but you can sell downloads). Not sure if ifp3 is what you're looking for, but they do have good customer service.

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October 28, 2007


Pete H
  I see your point Ariel.

Julie said nothing about printing.
I use the site primarily as a adjunct to other marketing methods..and I do indeed sell prints from that site if that is what my client wants. They are simply directed to another site where they may choose size and frame options.
It's all pretty seemless to the end user.

For me, shooting is far more important than sizing a photo and then having to print and ship.
That is why I now sub contract ALL my shipping and printing. Yep; I do pay a small fee for the service, but it cash flows far better for me when I factor in my time.

I suppose if I only sold 10 or 20 prints a month, I could easily handle the work flow, but trying to juggle order taking, printing and shipping with fresh shooting ideas for stock agencies and doing portraits is impossible.

I prefer the small file sizes of the web site I mentioned; prevents anyone from trying to grab a photo for free and enlarge it.

Most of the better stock houses rarely display high res photos anyway or the © is so big no one would even try.

I am a strong advocate of "work smarter, not harder."


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October 28, 2007


Ariel Lepor
  The title of this thread was "Printing Websites", so I thought that was important, especially since Julie mentioned sites that do printing. But what I'm interested in now is the second part of her question: Need of TIN, EIN, or SSN.

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October 28, 2007


Amanda M. Freese
  I use Pictage for my showing and printing services, there is a membership fee, but it makes it super easy for your clients to get in (when you post thier pics) to view, purchase etc.. even order other special products. . like fancy albums and such. . all of thier friends and families can order through the site with NO hassle for you. but you make commission. super easy so worth it. . and very professional feeling for your clients. .

check out Pictage (

you do need the EIN and TIN... yes you are correct for a sole proprietorship you can use your SSN as your EIN- but if you'll be making money the IRS requires you to report that each month, so you then need a TIN. . You have to report the taxes that way.

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October 29, 2007


Amanda M. Freese
  you know what?, actually I think you'll need to call your cities tax office to see if your state/city requires you to have a TIN.. . But I do know that more often than not it is required..

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October 29, 2007


Julie M. Cwik
  Yes, Sorry, Ariel is correct I was looking for an easy all in one site. I shot a wedding for a very good friend of mine as a gift and was looking for an all in one site to host, set prices, print, and ship all in one to make it easier on myself. I ended up going with SmugMug. I did end up using my SSN for the TIN/EIN but I will look into the city tax office just in case. (But then again, that's only if you make over $600 a year right?)

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October 29, 2007


Amanda M. Freese
  Pictage does just that, they set prices, print, ship (to you) etc..

You will have to check with your office of Taxation becuase usually anytime you make money you have to pay state taxes on that money (which is why you charge your customers) it's anytime you make money , but you'll have to check because it's possible that your city/state may be different. In Virginia Beach, it doesn't matter how much you make you pay taxes and if you're making money from a client or customer you must have a TIN and a EIN...

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October 29, 2007


Christy Freeberg

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October 29, 2007


Jerry Frazier
  A TIN/EIN is NOT required. It's just that you want one because you don't want to go around handing out your SSN. That's not very smart. A EIN/TIN is free from the IRS website. Takes about 2 minutes.

You have to report all income earned...even if you find $100 bill on the ground.

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October 30, 2007


lindsay king
  Hey Julie,

I have also tried Pictage, but didn't care for the prices, although the quality really is good. The website I use is, which is through Nations Photo Lab. The people are very friendly and helpful, and their prices are AWESOME. You have to get an account (free) through Nations photo lab before you can use events... website, but I would suggest at least checking it out. I also had a customer service issue with the people at Pictage, the were pushy and rude. That was my expierence, for you it may be better. Good luck :)


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October 31, 2007


Amanda M. Freese
  Hi Lindsay, when you say prices, are you referring to the ones set up for the customers? Because you can adjust that..

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October 31, 2007


lindsay king

If you mean prices on Pictage, I meant the prices that are set up for us as the photographers. I didn't like the options I was given, i.e. paying by event, monthly, or yearly I believe it was. It has been a while since I checked them out, but there were several issuse about them that I didn't like. I know you can adjust the prices for the customers. I just really have found Nations to be helpful, although they don't offer as many specialty products as Pictage. It was also a customer service issue for me. I received a phone call from them one day and when I answered my cell phone, I couldn't hear anyone on the other end. After saying "hello" for 15 or 20 seconds, I decided to hang up. I had been having problems with my phone, so I figured it was that. After hanging up, the same number called back again. To avoid further confusion, I let it go to voicemail so that I figure out who it was and call back from my home phone. When I listened to the vmail, this Rep. was being VERY NASTY, saying that he didn't appreciate me not taking his call since I had picked up the first time, among other things! Customer service is huge for me, and that turned me off.

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October 31, 2007


Amanda M. Freese
  Wow, good to know, then I can keep an eye out myself. .. You're right that is never acceptable. . . It's a monthly fee, I hope there aren't any other fees involved. . . ! Thanks, I'll keep the one you mentioned in mind as well ....

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October 31, 2007


Julie M. Cwik
  oh my, thanks for all the great advice, I would never think people would be that rude! I'll stay far away from them!

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November 01, 2007


Brooke M. Lewis
  I use ifp3. I tried zenfolio, SmugMug and ifp3 on their free trials and liked ifp3 best. I don't like the sites that do the printing for me. I like to choose the lab I use (I love MPIX) and I also want the option to mat or frame the photos also. Using ifp3 gives you complete control of your products and pricing. They don't take any % of your sales - you only pay the annual fee. I also recommend getting an EIN. You may not want your SSN floating around too much and the EIN number is free and easy to apply for. Good luck! My site is not completely done yet, but if you want to see what an ifp3 site looks like you can check it out at

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November 25, 2007


Mike & Kristine Reigler
  Just for background we use zenfolio to display our pictures and mpix to print.

You said you went with smugmug. One option you have is to register your own domain name and then point it to your smugmug site (you can do the same thing with zenfolio). For example, just points to our zenfolio page which was only about $40 year. I think registering the domain was about $12 bucks at

If you are doing business Sole Priorter and want to use a name for you business you may need to fill out a dba (doing business as) form. In Michigan you do this at the county. A friend of mine turned in his dba form prior to registering his domain name. When he wanted to register his domain name, the one he wanted was already taken. Someone had scanned the dba listings and registered the domain name he was most likely to use. They then tried to sell it to him at a marked up price.

Mike R

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November 29, 2007


Becky Hermanson
I use and like it very much. It is fairly easy to use, and has a shopping cart. Very easy to upload pics to. if you want to take a look

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December 09, 2007


Amanda M. Freese
  Ok, so as Lindsay mentioned above- the fees are a headache with Pictage. and Im a little bit in a tizzy reading all these responses, so which company is best for printing, specialty products, and customer access for ordering? Im not particularly worried about display other than for that particular customer because I have a website, so I just want user friendly access for them in ordering.


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June 18, 2008


Julie M. Cwik
  Hi Amanda, I have been using SmugMug for the past year and the printing is perfect! (you can download color profiles too!) a lot of choice with product and showcasing the images you have endless choices! I'm glad I chose smugmug! if your interested here is a coupon code for a $5 discount! sfeL1eHzsv6lY Just copy that into the "referral line" if your interested in starting up! (I think they have a trial time too, so you can check it out before they charge your card!)

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June 18, 2008


Amanda M. Freese
  hey thanks, I was just on here looking through to pick a new company. . . thanks.. so you can upload, display to the customers and they can purchase themselves and have them shipped to themselves if they like no problem? all smooth good prices etc..?

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June 19, 2008


Julie M. Cwik
  yes! you upload, can set passwords for privacy, or not... set your own prices, the company will ship and print images to your customers... if you choose true color (the color profile) then no free reprinting, but if you choose Auto (the printing company) will auto color correct your image and print it, if color not good they can call smugmug and ask for reprint, no complaining to you at all... nice huh??? I shot a wedding and posted images up there and ordered some to see the quality... perfect! Plus you can put your watermark on the images, and right click protect (very important!)

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June 19, 2008


Amanda M. Freese
  So wait a sec, Im looking on here and it looks like you would have the pro account then? Because that's the one taht offers your clients a secure password and such. is that the one you have?

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June 19, 2008


Julie M. Cwik
  yes I have the pro account... you can do everything I described... and set your own prices (you can sign up with your ssn) if you don't have a tax id number... if you go basic account, I think it's free but you can't set any prices... I checked everywhere and you get the most for your money here.

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June 19, 2008

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