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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

Gail S. Haile

What went wrong with this image?

I was using a Nikon D70, with a freshly formatted card, and this was the first image of about 60 that I took. All the others were fine. IS this an indication of a problem with the camera, card, photographer.......?

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October 23, 2007

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
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  No picture

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October 23, 2007


Gail S. Haile
  Wierd Photo
Wierd Photo

Gail S. Haile

Sorry, upload issues. It worked the second time and made a new question. Anyway, heres' the image. the red stroke is my addition so the image would allshow up against the white.

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October 23, 2007

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