Heidi |
canon rebel (not digital) Will the AV setting on my rebel provide the correct shutter speed. I am using 400 speed film outside (in a darker area) and want some depth of field...any suggestions? TIA
Jon Close |
Yes. In Av you select the aperture value desired and the camera automatically sets the shutter speed to get a decent exposure. Check in the viewfinder for the shutter speed chosen. If too slow you may need to use a tripod.
Heidi |
Thanks for responding. It will be outside, and I know the shutter speed I can shoot w/o a tripod is around 60th-90th...BUT is that going either that or say and f8 going to cause problems shooting children? I want to stay away from the on-camera flash..any suggestions? Oh and I want a little depth of field, my light meter broke today :(
Jon Close |
I assume you're referring to a separate hand-held light meter that broke. Av and setting for f/8 should be fine for getting some depth of field, and outdoors in good daylight should give fast enough shutter speeds for hand-held and active children. If the light is dimmer, or you are shooting really slow film then keep an eye on the shutter speed the camera chooses.
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