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Carolina K. Smith

SmugMug for Digital Downloads...Anyone??

Hi, I just realized that SmugMug has digital downloads... Has anyone actually sold digital downloads through them (not prints)...

I definitely support uploading to microstock agencies, but they do take sooo much commission... and I would consider using SmugMug as an adjunct, not a replacement (since I'm sure the microstock agencies have the better marketing and customer base).

Thanks for any experienced feedback, or pointing to other commercial setups (kind of turnkey like) that do this.

Too bad BetterPhoto doesn't have anything like this! Yes, prints or files could be ordered from me, but that's not the same as instant download/fullfillment capabilities that SmugMug seems to offer.

So far, I've made $12,651 from ~270 photos sold through the microsites if anyone wants to explore that route:

Submit Photos to Shutterstock and make $$$!

but I'm hoping to get more information/feedback on SmugMug digital file download experience.


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September 22, 2007


Carolina K. Smith
  Hi, okay, guess I'll share what I have found out so far, and I'm pretty excited at the prospects.

One photographer noted that they have made more $$$ through the Digital Downloads via SmugMug than through the microsites... I suspect one reason is because SmugMug allows you to pocket 85% of what the sales price is, which YOU as the photographer determine.

You have to have their Pro account at $149/year, but this also gives you uploading/storage capability for your files, which can be WATERMARKED if you are interested, and they do also note there are LICENSING AGREEMENTS that are in place for any buyer that downloads your digital file. So, there seems to be a good effort at security (of course, we all know this may not stop determined thieves, but hey, they can steal my microsite photos as well...

I am definitely going to try this out, but I have to wait a couple of weeks since I am going on a two week trip tomorrow. I will be interested to also try their print sales, as they will do the printing/mail it out for you... So a huge pro of that would be I can concentrate my efforts on photography versus sales fulfillment...

But this could depend on the quality of prints they offer (haven't seen that yet) compared to the time it takes to print your own (though I happen to like printing on my Epson 2400).

The exciting part though, since I know others here are interested in stock sales of their photography, is the Digital Downloads enablement.

I think this comes as close as I have yet seen for a 'turnkey' approach to having your own stock agency without the coding and fulfillment headaches. I can't wait!

You can click on the link below for more information:

SmugMug Pro Account

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September 24, 2007


Carolina K. Smith
  I forgot to mention, if you click on the link, then click on 'Digital Download' under the "Sell Your Photos" paragraph, and you will see the screen and licenses that buyers will look at... your digital file can be downloaded in a few sizes, as long as the file was big enough to begin with (i.e., you wouldn't make a 4mb file sale from a native digital file made from a 2MP camera).

This digital download could be good business for event or wedding photographers who want to offer that capabilities... but me, I see good potential for stock sales where I will get 85% of the cut, instead of as low as 20% from the microstock agencies.

Also, since I manage the portfolio, I become my own INSPECTOR... no more rejections, heh heh.

Click on the link below for more information if you'd like:

SmugMug Pro Account

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September 24, 2007


Carolyn L. Fox
  I didn't realize SmugMug had download capabilities either. I thought they just sold prints and were available for photo sharing and storage.

If you sign up, let me know how you do. I might be interested in it as well.

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September 26, 2007

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