BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

Daphne Mills

client proof vs. password protected

I am looking to upgrade my BetterPholios and I was wondering what is the difference between "client proof galleries" and "password protected". I apologize if this is a silly question.

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September 22, 2007


Kerry Drager
  Hi Daphne,
Thanks for your interest in the Pro BetterPholios! Actually, those terms are pretty much interchangeable. The idea is that you can create a proof gallery for a client that's completely private - i.e., for the client's eyes only. It's easy to set up this "private" or "password protected" gallery in your BetterPholio admin center ... i.e., create the gallery and assign a password of your choosing, and then give the password to the client. No one can see the gallery without a password.

At BetterPhoto, portrait and wedding photographers make use of these galleries, of course, and so do shooters of youth sports teams. And some instructors also use a password-protected gallery or two for their students :-)

Hope this makes sense, Daphne, and definitely NOT a silly question at all!!!


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September 25, 2007


Daphne Mills
  Thanks so much. :)
Hopefully I'll my own pro gallery in the very near future.

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September 25, 2007


Kerry Drager
  Hi again, Daphne, and you're welcome!!!

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September 25, 2007

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