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Photography Question 

Irene Troy

Canon AE1 camera - questions

Hi All – the back story of all of this is somewhat complex, so I’ll keep it simple and just say that a friend handed me a Canon AE-1 today and asked me if the camera had any value for trade or perhaps use by her 17 year old daughter. The camera needs service, the film will not feed through correctly and the entire thing really needs cleaning. I’m not familiar with the camera; I know it’s an older model and no longer handled by Canon. Would it be worth the cost to have it serviced and cleaned? Does it have value as a trade in? IMO, it does not seem the wisest choice to give a beginner since it is a fully manual camera. However, I may be mistaken and would love to hear some feedback from more knowledgeable members. Any insight or help that someone can offer will be really appreciated.



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August 17, 2007


Jon Close
  The AE-1 is not "fully manual", it has Shutter Priortiy autoexposure. Having it serviced/cleaned will probably cost as much or more than simply buying one that's in working order.

For $200 or less one can buy a new (35mm film) Rebel K2 or T2 with lens. A used Rebel (Ti, 2000, G, etc.) cna be had for even less. These autofocus models can be used in any mode from full manual with manual focus to full auto exposure and autofocus. They also use the same EF lenses that the digital EOS bodies can use, making it easier to move up later than is the case if starting with the obsolete FD mount lenses of the AE-1.

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August 18, 2007


Irene Troy
  Thanks Jon! As always you provide me with valuable info. You, of-course, are correct; I misspoke –well miswrote – when I said that the AE-1 is fully manual. It does have shutter priority auto exposure. You also confirmed my opinion that it would be better if my acquaintance bought her daughter a new or lightly used film or digital camera instead of spending the money and time to have this camera repaired and cleaned. This person talked of buying her daughter – a 17 year old with no real experience in photography – the same camera that I own, a Canon 5D. When I pointed out that this was a very expensive camera with more features than a beginner will really use, she trotted out this old camera. In response I just wanted someone with more knowledge of the AE-1 to confirm my opinions. Thanks again!


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August 18, 2007

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