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Photography Question 

Sarah E. Herbert

Starting a business

Hello all, I've been seriously learning photography for almost a year. It has been my intention to eventually start a freelance business with it. I would especially like to shoot landscape, travel and wildlife.

I don't know much about stock agencies or publishers of books or magazines. Could anyone offer some advice about getting started? Do I need to develop a portfolio or website? Will I need a company name or would you suggest going by my own name? Any advice is greatly appreciated.

Thank you ~Sarah Herbert

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August 12, 2007


Sisterlisa B
  Hi Sarah and welcome! You can create a business name or use 'your name' photography.

I would indeed have a website built and a photo blog. It easier to upload and update a blog than a website and people like to get to know their photographer.

Have business cards made and join your local Art Center. Also submit your work to the local fairs as well. People appreciate local artists, maybe look into a booth at the Farmer's Market too.

One thing I want to do for 2009 is to have a calendar published.
I'm sure you'll get more suggestions from the other members.

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August 12, 2007


Bob Cammarata
You've chosen a very crowded field.
There are a ga-zillion photographers who have found a niche (...or are struggling to find one) in the landscape, travel, wildlife photography market.

I'm not trying to burst your bubble but that market is saturated with so many great images from established "name" photographers and aspiring wanna-be's that breaking in can be very tough.

My best advice is to specialize. Determine what you can do really well consistantly.
Set up a web site and get business cards printed (...preferably on one of your photographs).
Get a current copy of "Photographer's Market" and read the section on "The Business of Photography" carefully. You will find some great information there.
The remainder of the book lists potential buyers. Find a few publishers that are seeking the kinds of photos you have (or can produce) and send them a letter (on good stationary with a company letterhead) requesting "submission guidelines" and a sample copy of their publication.
Follow their submission guidelines exactly when sending material and always include one of your business cards with any correspondence.

Keep in mind also that many publishers prefer a text/photo package so some writing skills may help to open a few doors.
Start small with local venues first to get established, then go after the "majors".

Also...,stock photo agencies demand consistency and a LOT of images so your catalogue should be extensive before you can expect to be taken seriously by an established agency.

Good luck!

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August 12, 2007


Sarah E. Herbert
  Actually, I just bought a copy of the "Photographer's Market". I think it's going to help me learn more about how photographers see the market. I know I can't expect to be as skilled as Art Wolfe or Ansel Adams yet, but I'm starting the learning process. Thanks for the very useful advice!

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August 12, 2007

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