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Photography Question 

Jared L. Loftus

Jobs for a 14 year old photographer

I am only 14 and was wondering what kind of jobs are out there for someone my age? And how can I get my name out there?
Thank you in advance.


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August 04, 2007


Sisterlisa B
  Jared, I would get a blog and start adding some of your best photos in there. Talk to an adult and figure some prices to charge and let your friends know you are a photographer. Teens have their own money these days, develop a customer base with them. You can even ask your closest friends to model for you so you can get a portfolio going.

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August 06, 2007


Margie Hurwich
  In addition, Jared, check with your school to see if they need a photographer for the school football and basketball games, the yearbook or dances. This will get your name, and face, in front of the crowds. Good luck!

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August 06, 2007


Debbie Del Tejo
  And if you want to save money for college, start attending weddings and get knowledgable in posing. By the time you get to college, you will be experienced and shoot weddings on Saturdays and have the rest of the week to study.......
LEARN EVERYTHING YOU CAN ABOUT PHOTOSHOP........Start NOW......there are many tutorials and web sites to get you started.
I love it when I hear 14 year olds getting into are young and the world is waiting for you.....TO SHOOT IT!
Best wishes and invite me to your first gallery show!

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August 06, 2007


Jared L. Loftus
  Thanks for all the advice. I hadn't thought about abserving weddings before, that's a great idea.


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August 06, 2007


Mike Rubin
You have been given good advice.
You may want to check out these links for ideas from other kids your age who are doing what you desire to do.\Best of luck to you. I wish I started at your age.

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August 06, 2007

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