BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

Rene M. Hales

Request a Feature

It would be great if BetterPhoto added a feature where we could send electronic postcards of our images to friends or family. I would love to be able to send greetings electronically that include one of my images.

Thanks in advance for considering this request.
Rene Hales

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August 04, 2007


Samuel Smith
  you could do this on your own rene.
I refrained from an answer for a ask for a service intended for we,yet it seems I may be the case.
my belief is that this is a sharing site.
where some sponser/advertiser would allow a free initial,new member,tutorial,on a photo program.i would think this to be a bigger problem given all the new members shooting digital becoming so frustrated.
not a judgement rene,a different outlook.
I have this stupid idea,that if you don't mentor,you can't evaluate your own work.sometimes being a student,is,a minus.yet once a teacher,and maybe the shoe doesn't fit,ya get a different point of view.might be a responsibility not in your dictionary.which is fine.
yet I made a judgement call,geez.

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August 05, 2007


Rene M. Hales
  Sam, yes, I think I could do this on my own, but there are sites that offer this as a service and it would just be so easy. I usually try to post my best images at Betterphoto and to be able to just go to one and complete a form and add a short greeting and send it on its way would be fantastic for me.


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August 06, 2007


Samuel Smith
  thanks for not being offended rene.
i think bp has their hands add such a feature would probably take more staffing or more hours.
it kinda bothers me to visit a members gallery with all the advertisements.but they do have bills to pay.
then you could also use the other site.
all my best,sam

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August 06, 2007 - Jim Miotke

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: King
Contact Jim Miotke
Jim Miotke's Gallery
  Hi Rene and Samuel,

Thanks for the suggestion and comments.

As a matter of fact, we do have it on our plate to make it easier for people to share photos via email, but I had forgetten about the e-card potential here. We will seriously take this into consideration.

Sure we got a lot on our plates, being a small staff and all... but this is an inspiring idea so you might just see it soon :)

And Samuel, I too hope we can lessen the internal advertising soon. We just have to find a more effective way to get the word out about our great products.

On that note, please feel free to tell your friends about BetterPhoto, our galleries, and our classes. There is a "Tell a friend" link at the bottom of every page, and soon there will be more ways to "pass it on". This kind of word of mouth advertising is so helpful (and much better then the banner ads in the galleries).

Thanks again! Look forward to seeing some seriously fun photo sharing features in the near future!

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August 09, 2007


Samuel Smith
  thanks jim,
how about that rene?
good luck,sam

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August 09, 2007

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