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Making prints from slide film

I recently had some 4x6 prints made from a roll of Ektachrome 64. They came out horrible!! I took them back and they said the slides weren't exposed well to begin with...
What is the best way of critique slides before having prints made? I have a 5x lupe and a light box...
And how much color change should be expected? And I was told that glossy only could be made from slides. True?

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December 23, 1999 - Jim Miotke

BetterPhoto Member
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  You can expect prints from slides to be contrasty - the darks getting darker and the lights getting lighter - unless you fork over some top dollar and go to a professional lab. There you can get really beautiful prints - but it is true that the original slide needs to have good image data.

When they told you that only glossy prints can be made from slides, they must have meant that their service only did glossies. You can certainly get other paper / finish types from slides. I would take your slides to another lab before accepting that judgement about them being poorly exposed.

If the loupe you mention is one of those $5 -$10 round loupes, you will benefit from getting a better one - my favorite inexpensive one ($40) is the 8x rectangular from Peak. A projector ($240) or one of those mini-slide viewers might also help make it easier to view the slides. If they do not look faded, hazy, or less than perfect - and this is where subjectivity and judgement come into the picture - than you should be able to expect good prints.

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December 24, 1999

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