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Photography Question 

Bobbi S. Tomes

Mounting-not printing, on canvas

I want to make some large photos just for myself to display in my small inhome studio. Money is ALWAYS an issue for me.I have noticed a lot of the "canvas" prints I ahve ordered for my clients have actually been photos mounted and not printed on canvas. So I thought if I could glue the photo to the canvas then brush it over with a glaze this would be good enough for my own large displays and save me money. So I bought some small canvas, glue, glaze, and brushes to practice. One of the photos bubbled up when it dried and I had to trash it. another had just a small bubbled area so maybe it did not evenly apply the glue or I am using the wrong kind of glue??? I dont plann on using this mounting prosses for my clients just as a means to have my own large displays without paying high dollar for real canvas prints. So can anyone tell me how to make this mounting prosses successfull?

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July 01, 2007


John H. Siskin
  Hi Bobbi,
I am not recommending this, but I did it a few years ago. I mounted very large black and white resin coated prints on to canvas for display. The prints were about 6X8 feet. I used wallpaper glue for vinyl wallpaper. It worked acceptably.
Thanks, John Siskin

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July 01, 2007


John P. Sandstedt
  You should look in to some of the new "art papers" that have become available in the last year. Hannemuhl is one manufacturer that comes to mind.

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July 01, 2007


Bobbi S. Tomes
  Thanks for the advise, I think I will give the wallpaper glue a try. I happen to have some, so it's worth a shot. Thanks.

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July 01, 2007

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