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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

Aimeedphotography D.

Showing Proofs


I am wondering if there is a way that I can lock my photographs, on my own website, so that viewers/customers cannot copy paste and print the photos.
I know there is a possibility of watermarks but I would rather not have it that way. Is there a program I can download so that I can put my photographs in my gallery and not have people stealing them?

I know this was bound to happen, photo's being stolen, but now I would like to do something about it. Thank you, anyhelp would be much appreciated!

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May 21, 2007


Sharon Day
  I know of no way of preventing people from copy/pasting your photos. I have taken screen shots of my own photos and had them printed at 4x6" and they looked fine to me. If you don't want people helping themselves then put a nice big copyright across your photos.

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May 21, 2007


Jerry Frazier
  Yep. No way. Big logo or something right accross the image. It's the only way.

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May 21, 2007


Aimeedphotography D.
  Yeah I guess so. Well better start crackin. :(

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May 21, 2007


Bobby R. Strange
  That's what I did with mine just today...put my name and a copyright symbol right across the middle. As far as I know, none of mine have been stolen (hmmm, why haven't they?? are they not GOOD ENOUGH?!? AREN'T THEY?!?!? hehehehe), but I figured I might as well do it before any of them get snatched.

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May 21, 2007


Christopher A. Walrath
  I always edit the image to include a monacher such as "Christopher A Walrath Photography, 2007" or some such so that the image is incomplete without the portion that holds the caption. A quick fix for those who don't have the means to lock your photos.

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May 23, 2007


Pete H
  There is little reason to post a photo with a resolution more than 72ppi.
Let them try to get anything larger than a 3x5 LOL


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May 24, 2007


Christopher A. Walrath
  Nice point, Pete. I must admit I hadn't thought of that. Damn! Time to rework the site. Thanks.

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May 25, 2007

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