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Photography Question 
- Sibylle Basel

BetterPhoto Member
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Nikon lens

I have a Nikon 70-200mm F/2 VR lens. I have had this for about a month (I bought it used). It is a great lens, however the AF stopped working. Its not the camera, because all my other lenses work fine in AF.
The lens still works in the manual mode, however I'm not sure if the VR is still working.
I spent a good deal of money on this lens. Can these be repaired? Any suggestions?
Thank you


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May 03, 2007


Jon Close
  At the risk of being obvious...
That lens has its own M/A-M switch. Set to M it will not autofocus.
The VR switch also has 2 positions. 1 will operate VR whenever the shutter is half-pressed. Position 2 it will operate only at full press of the shutter. In this mode the VR effect will not be visible in the viewfinder.

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May 05, 2007


Jon Close
  oops. Upon further review, the VR switch is just simple ON or OFF.

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May 05, 2007

- Sibylle Basel

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Sibylle Basel
Sibylle Basel's Gallery
  Hi Jon

Thank you for your suggestion.


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May 06, 2007

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