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Photography Question 

Janet Fikar

Canon EF 16-35MM 2.8 L II USM soft?

I need a little help. I splurged and bought a Canon EF 16-35mm 2.8 L II USM lens from B&H Photo. I took it out and shot some landscape shots (ocean, water shots). Everything came out blurry. Eeek? I kept changing the mode, aperature, shutter speed to get a variety of shots but everything was soft and noisy! It didn't look like motion blur it just didn't look sharp. I must not have shot with the best settings. Can you offer some good settings for this lens and suggest how I can test the lens out?

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April 29, 2007


Jerry Frazier
  That's a sharp lens. Send it back to Canon for re-calibration. Maybe it just needs a simple adjustment.

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April 29, 2007


Christopher A. Vedros
  For those landscape shots, you should be using smaller apertures like f/16 or f/22 to get more depth of field. It's hard to tell from the pictures if everything is soft or it's just due to the shallow DOF.

Try taking some test shots of a person about 15 feet away at f/8. Use autofocus and make sure one of the AF sensors is lit up on the person. If you can't get a sharply focused image like this, then Jerry might be right, the lens may need to be adjusted.

Chris A. Vedros

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April 29, 2007

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