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Photography Question 

Lauren Pritchard

Problem with Hitachi Microdrive

I just got done shooting a wedding with my Canon 300D. All was well until I came home and uploaded my pictures. Turns out that a select amount of my pictures have suddenly disappeared. It was like they never exisited. The IMG numbers are all in order. None are missing. So why did these pictures disappear? My camera did take these pictures because they came up on the screen on the back of my camera. I am so frustrated. I wish someone can help me out with this.

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April 27, 2007


Ariel Lepor
  Could it be that you (or someone else) accidentally pressed delete right after (or maybe a few minutes, hours? after) the shot?

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April 27, 2007


Lauren Pritchard
  When I delete pictures the numbers wouldn't be still in order.

For example, the last picture I toke was IMG_9101 then there is about 10 - 15 pictures I toke that are missing and the next number is IMG_9102. If I accidentally delelted them wouldn't there be a gap in the number. IMG_9101 then IMG_9116.

Another question is if I did accidentally delete them, why did it just delete those 10 - 15 pictures and nothing else. My camera asks to delete all or delete individually. I know I didn't hit the delete button 15 times accidentally.

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April 27, 2007


Ariel Lepor
  You'd think. But maybe there was some glitch, or maybe you only thought you took the pictures? Or maybe on upload there was something you accidentally did with the software like deselect some pics?

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April 27, 2007

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