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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Photography Selling Sites

Can anyone tell me what site is highly recommended for selling photos?
I have checked Istock, and others,but am confused as to how to pick the right one. I am a member of Istock,but am unhappy with their site.
Help anyone???

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April 12, 2007


Carolina K. Smith
  I submit to iStock and like them. They are tougher, I think, than the other microstock agencies in inspecting the photos.

But the stock agency that still earns me the most is Shutterstock. They are also talking about raising the payouts to photographers.

There is no one way to pick the right agency for you. I would submit to a few and see 1) if they accept your shots and 2) do you get downloads (the most important!). You may find that your style of shooting better fits one agency over another (you can tell by the rejects).

The way I look at it, once I've done the post processing on a file, all the major work is done, so I'll take the time to upload to more than one agency. A download is a download no matter where it comes from.

To date, I've earned $9,515.21 from the microstock agencies (only ~ 270 photos).

You can find out more about Shutterstock by clicking on this referral link:

Submit Photos to Shutterstock and make $$$!

Good luck.

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April 15, 2007


Ruth S. Ueland
  Another terrific agency is:
Buy & Sell Photos at
Hope it is more satisfying than Istock!

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July 02, 2007


Barbara V. Hinton
  I sell all my visual art stuff via self published ebooks.(hard copies available too for a bit more) Buy one of mine theyre only 5 bucks if you think my info has helped you...Im sure it will. You'll be suprised how awsome is!



Nikas Photomanipulation Art Vol. 1 book
Published on Lulu.Com 2006

A book of 24 of my best photomanipulations todate. -10$ hardcopy; 5$ for download


And Nikas Print Art Volume 1 (88 of my digital art pieces)
Published on Lulu.Com 2006

Nikas Print Art Volume 1
By Barbara Hinton

A compilation of 88 of the best visual print art work that I've created digitaly over the last couple of years. Landscapes, photomanipulations and photos. -28$ hardcopy and 10$ for a download

Nikas Landscapes Book
Published on Lulu.Com 2007

Nikas Landscapes

17 Landscape Photomanipulation Digital Art pieces by Nika -10$ hardcopy and 5$ for a download


Nikas Fractal Art Vol 1
5$ downloadable ebook
10$ Hard copy

Published June 17 2007


Nikas Fractal Art 2008 Calendar

Published June 20 2007

Please note you can also download these picture books straight to your computer for half the price of a lulu printed,bound and shipped copy. So what chu waiting for! I'll be your best friend? Giggles.

Also note that I hardly make anything off of selling these hard copy picture books.(only like 15% about on hard copies and 80% off of downloads) I just think its awsome that I can do it all by myself (meaning no preveiwer middle man/editor) and so quickly too. And so can YOU.

If you've ever wanted to publish a book but thought it too involved you should give lulu a try. ~Nika

A messege from Lulu.Com:

Lulu.Com provides the creators and owners of digital content with control over how they use and share their work. Individuals, companies, and groups can use Lulu to publish and sell a variety of digital content, including books, photos, images, and music.

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July 03, 2007


Barbara V. Hinton
  opps I type too fast sometimes its

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July 03, 2007


Joan Bellinger
  Carolina, how long have you been selling to the microstocks?

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July 08, 2007


Carolina K. Smith
  I started in April 2005 with just 3 photos. I have only ~ 270 photos online since I have a full time professional job (ha, way more than full time these days), yet have managed to make $11,065.06.

See my latest comments under the thread entitled 'My First 50 cents' or similar by Robyn MacKenzie (sorry if I misspelled that)in this forum.

Submit Photos to Shutterstock and make $$$!


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July 09, 2007


Paul Hakimata
  I sell through, which is the fastest growing agency, and pays the most of all micro-stock sites. There was an article published in PDN where they compare many agencies with eachother, and Dreamstime came out best. I have a link to the complete article on my site:

Good luck with your quest.


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October 01, 2007

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