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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

Debby A. Tabb

Just Wondering

I'm sorry, but I am now starting to get nerves about my computer.
Have any of you had problems sending mail through yahoo,using explorer?
The last couple days I've gotten a flag"Yahoo is experiancing a problem sending your mail" But if I save as draft,then send, it works.
This Morning, nothing I do seems to work???
restarted, ran Norton....
Any Thoughts?
Thank You for your help,

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April 12, 2007


Christopher A. Vedros
Relax. I would bet the problem is with Yahoo and not your computer. Yahoo has been making some changes lately, and they may be having some technical issues. I tried out the new Beta version of their My Yahoo homepage, but found it to be very slow and buggy, so I went back to the regular homepage. But some things still look different.

Chris A. Vedros

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April 12, 2007


Debby A. Tabb
  Thanks So Much Chris!
it's just so strange,lol.
and I am so glad you mentioned the beta, as I had been thinking of that as well.
I will not persue it now.
Thanks again,

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April 12, 2007

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