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Photography Question 

Kalina J. Rumbalski


Just want to know if the PPA is a worth while investment. I am interested in joining but want to know what others think of it before paying for it?

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April 10, 2007


Michael A. Bielat
  The PPA seems really nice, especially if you are a pro portrait/wedding photographer.

They offer some legal coverage and stuff of that nature and it looks good to customers that you belong to a credible organization like that.

However, the price tag is steep for a membership. I am settling with just the Professional Photographer magazine until I get the capital from this years earnings... Papa needs a new camera first! haha.

It is nice but not a necessity by any means.

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April 10, 2007


Alan N. Marcus
  Hi Kalina,
Retired now but in my 50+ years in the business I belonged to the PPA for maybe 25 years. Like most things, you get out what you put in. I attended most of the PPA national conventions and some local gathering. I earned merit points and was grated a degree. I taught for many years at their summer school “Wynona”. I had some great times. If you use this type of membership for learning and advancement, more the better. Consider that in the USA, we have no guilds or testing requiems. Thus anyone can call themselves a professional. They have no business license or formal training i.e. unschooled or as I say they learned on their mothers knee. The PPA is like a guild that helps in many ways mostly comradely, you learn from each other. Also offered are insurance packages, business advice, and legal advice. What could be bad?

Alan Marcus

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April 11, 2007

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