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Olen E. Henke

Getting Slide Film Enlarged...


I'm having a real problem getting slide film in the form of prints or enlarged in my area...I live in a smaller town and we don't have a photo print place that doesn't send out photos..(we do have walmart, rite aid, walgreens, etc..)Anyway, how can I get my slides in 4x6 or 8x10 format, or at least scanned onto a disc? Is this really as big of a deal as it seems? I'd love to shoot more slide film, but its such a pain that I hate dealing with the hassle of doing so...I mean they send it out and it comes back to me in slides, but i'd like to try and get some of the slides enlarged.

Any ideas?


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March 28, 2007


doug Nelson
  If you're like me, only a few are worth printing or converting to digital so that you can print from a digital file. Check the ads in a magazine like Shutterbug. You can send the best of your slides away to have them scanned. Ask for the largest file size they can give you. That way, you have flexibility to make prints over 8 x 10. Alternatively, buy a scanner and scan them yourself. Epson's flatbeds do a decent job for the print size you're talking about, and the scanner will be $500 or less. Nikon makes a 35mm film scanner for about $500.

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March 28, 2007


John H. Siskin
  Hi Olen,
First you have my sympathies. I used to shoot transparencies all the time, made a lot of money with Ektachome. The labs I used to use have all removed their type R (prints direct from slides) equipment. I think the best thing is to buy a film scanner, which would give you control over the process. Decent flat bed scanners that would have a slide holder start at around $100. Alternatively you could get someone else to scan your film. Ilford no longer lists Ilfochome classic on their website, so I’m not sure that setting up your own darkroom would solve this problem. The world has changed, it’s to bad I don’t think Paul Simon will ever sing about a CMOS chip.
Thanks, John Siskin

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March 28, 2007

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