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Photography Question 

Scott McCord

Vendors for church directories?

Does anybody know a low-cost vendor for church directories?
I've been asked to bid on a local church's directory - against Olan Mills.
The cheapest directories I can currently find are $19 a copy my cost. Based on last years' bill to the church from Olan Mills, they provided the directories for $1.25 a copy.
At the moment I can find no alternative to match that price. And I can't even compensate for that big of a difference by working it into members' portrait packages.

It's like trying to compete with the Wal-Mart of photography.

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January 25, 2007


Alan N. Marcus

Consider that any firm that specializes in church directories is doing it to try and make money. Olan Mills is an experienced mass merchandisers. They have committed considerable resources, it fact the resources are so vast you can’t even imagine. First organization consisting of managers and workers. Second cameras and lighting. Third training of personnel . Fourth lab equipment. Fifth high speed printing equipment specializing in directories Sixth sales organization Seventh distribution system Eight billing and collection and the list goes on.

Now how do you suppose they can support such an organization selling directories for $1.25 and probably required to kick back some profits to the church for the opportunity?

The answer is they can’t unless there is another channel, and there is; they make portraits of everyone and put out a book. Now consider that most people won’t go in for a portrait setting. Under this deal the mass merchandiser has a captive audience. They will make presentations and attempt to sell packagers to each and every person, their family and all relatives and friends. This is called free enterprise. You can do it too. I predict that if you know your stuff, you too can become a millionaire following this business model which is more than 100 years old. Also, don’t forget that these guys pay taxes, buy business licenses and carry liability insurance, pay rent, buy vehicles plus ….

Good luck,
Alan Marcus

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January 25, 2007


Samuel Smith
  very nice answer alan,thanks.

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January 25, 2007


Debby A. Tabb
Here are the facts,
Olan Mills is officially 75 years old, Started and Run ( up untill last year from a "Mr Mills" them selves, and he still holds power of atty. and "last Word" over operations)
They Own and Operate thier own plant doing everything from Developing and printing to canvas and Art work in Chattnooga, TN( * you can tour it)
The Olan Mills Church division is SO Strong it actually supports the Losses in the Studio Divisions.
The Church division is not out to Sell Dirictories, if fact those are somewhat (as you see from thier billings) a Freebee.
The are supported by the unbeleiveable Portrait sales and Canvases they do. Prices being higher then those in studio.
But Scott, there are always those looking for a more personal touch, they have to realive, that does not come with the same discounts," but a more personal touch.."
and we as independants need to bend away from top dollar and learn how to compete until we have our foot firmly in the door.

I wish you the very best of Luck,
Debby Tabb

* I see those who set out on these Professional Goals thinking they can land it with a top dollar they may or may not deserve. In stead of building a name in that venue first and then biding the next job and the ones after that at a higher level to balance the first High Profile Job.

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January 26, 2007


Scott McCord
  Alan and Debby,
Thank your for your responses.
First let me say, that I don't have anything against Olan Mills or their practices. I think almost every pro out there would love to be in their position. My "Wal-Mart" comment was tounge-in-cheek.
And yes, I know my stuff, as I've been photographing in some sort of professional capacity for 13 years.
And I completely understand how Olan Mills offers the prices they do. However, I don't have the profit or resources they do, so I was simply looking for a cost-effective option for a trial run in the church directory arena.
I understand how they are selling the directories for $1.25. They are building it into their portrait packages. In fact, I know that several operations even include the directories for free, relying soley on the portrait packages to make them money, which I know it usually does. And I'm sure, as Alan and Debby suggested, that Olan Mills does all the production and printing in-house.

While I have a fairly good operation going right now with Seniors and weddings, I have never done a church directory, mainly because I never desired to do so and also because churches tend to use Lifetouch or Olan Mills. However, an acquaintance asked me to bid on this because, like Debby said, they want that local, personal touch. However, they also want to take the best price.
I've been told by a decision-maker in the church that I could count on no more than 35% of the members ordering packages - and we're talking about a small church - 150 families. And Olan Mills has always handled their church directories in the past.
So even if I worked the price of the directories into the packages, I don't think I would come out all that well.
Olan Mills would probably even take a loss on this particular church, but would more than make up for it on another job.
Since, I don't regularly do the church directories, I don't think I could come close to matching their bid, especially since I don't have "bigger" jobs to fall back on in the church directory area.
And you may be asking yourself why I would even consider doing this if I don't regularly handle church directory jobs. It's because it's a local church and I'm heavily competing with another well-established photographer in the area who I've heard isn't particularly fond of any competition.
It's all about exposure for me - getting these 150 families to know and remember me, who will hopefully in turn, tell their friends about me.
And I'm not interested in making a huge profit on this, I just don't want to lose my shirt on a job just to get a little more exposure.
I think through this message, I've talked myself into bowing out of this.

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January 26, 2007

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