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Photography Question 


Canon AE-1 manual setting.

I'm slowly getting to grips with my newly acquired AE-1 and wanted to try out some manual settings. I have various FD lenses, some with the older type chrome mounting rings and others with the later black type fixings.
Alternatively, would I be better using the FTb that I also have for manual and keep the AE-1 for auto?

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January 14, 2007


Christopher A. Walrath
  Man, that's personal preference. My favorite camera in the whole world is my Minolta srT101. Leae out the battery and it is %100 manual. You need your own light meter or trial and error. But about it being manual and can operate w/o the battery. Totally mechanical. Maybe it's just the novelty. I dunno. But manual is for me. What about you?

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January 14, 2007

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