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Photography Question 

Linda Finstad

selling pictures on line

I was wondering if anyone has seen the web site that is selling a guide to posting and selling pictures on line you can find it at
They boast fantastic results if only you follow their fool proof method.

I know you guys are no fools so does anyone know if this is a sccam or do they really know the secret to sucess?

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January 12, 2007


Christopher A. Vedros
  I tried to pull up that site, but it was just a blank page. I'm at work, so it may be an issue with our firewall.

Even without seeing the actual site, my bet would be that it falls somewhere between a money-making scheme and an outright scam.

The best secret to making money on the internet is to tell people you have a secret to make money and get them to pay you for the secret. There are lots of marketing schemes out there that claim they will generate thousands of "hits" for your website. The truth is that more money is generated by selling the scheme than by selling your product. If I get a thousand hits on my site from people getting spammed or annoyed by a pop-up, it doesn't mean any of them would be interested in buying my pictures.

Do a little research on how to get your site listed by Yahoo! and Google, and how to set up keywords to improve your listing. For the most part, it's completely free.

Get some nearly free business cards with your web address from and give them out to everyone you know.

Post your website whenever you can - like when you ask or answer questions on a forum. ;-)

Chris A. Vedros

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January 12, 2007


Linda Finstad
  Hi Chris,
I am sure you are right, and there is only one way to make it in this business and that is to work hard at creating stunning images and even harder at marketing both them and yourself.
PS I took your advice and added my web address to my profile. and uploaded a few more pics.
take care and God bless

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January 12, 2007


Kathy Radford
  Hi Linda, I recently found a great site that is legitimate. Check out she offers a lot of free information. You can also sign up for her workshops and teleseminars. She runs workshops all over the country. I haven't taken any of her paying courses, but would like to after seeing all her free info. Check it out. Kathy in NH

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January 13, 2007

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