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Photography Question 

Nathan Clarke

Price for image use on website

Ok may sound like a broken record. But was jsut after some guidance on how much to charge for use of images on a website. Its a friends company website and he just wants 3 images to replace the free generic corporate shots hes using at moment( to be displayed about 2 by 3 inches. just a rough would be great. thanks

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January 11, 2007


Ariel Lepor
  What kind of pictures? What kind of website?

For the small size, maybe you would want to go for around, I guess, $100 (ballpark estimate, without the information on image type or use) for all three, and maybe a very small caption next to the photos like Photo by Nathan Clarke. But since he's a friend, maybe you want to go a little soft on the price?

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January 11, 2007

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