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Photography Question 

Carrie Scruggs

Legal to sell photostories with music?

Hi - I was wondering if anyone had any idea if it is legal for me to sell photostories (basically slide shows) set to music. I'm not sure if that would be violating any rights on part of the music I choose.

Thanks for your help!

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January 09, 2007


Mark Feldstein
  No, it's not unless you get a signed and dated release from the author or their agent (including their publicist or publishing company) specifically granting you the right to use their creation along with your "photostories". Without that is one of the fastest ways to get embroiled in a copyright infringement action in the federal courts. The only exception is if the music jacket or label specifically states it's in the public domain and you don't find a copyright sign anywhere on the packaging or item itself.

Take it light.

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January 09, 2007


Carrie Scruggs
  Hey thanks Mark! I figured that was the answer I was going to get and hopefully I can pull some things together from local musicians that I know and still be able to put them together. Original songs might be a nice touch anyway and a little promotion for them as well.... Still more work to do :-)

Thanks again!

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January 09, 2007


Mark Feldstein
  My pleasure Carrie. Any time. ;>)

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January 09, 2007

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  Correct. But it's okay to use stuff from Billy Ray Cyrus without permission. Nobody else wants it.

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January 09, 2007


doug Nelson
  Mozart won't sue you, but the performing orchestra or publisher of the recording might. I make slide shows with pop and classical music, but wouldn't sell any for this reason. There may be some copyright-free wedding music wedding pros can use for CD/DVD slide shows.

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January 11, 2007


Carrie Scruggs
  Billy Ray Cyrus???? I'm trying to make my clients happy not put them in the ground, ha....ha...ha....!

Thanks Doug - I have also seen on the internet where you can buy packs of uncopyrighted music for that purpose as well - it's just not as fun as the popular stuff :-)

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January 11, 2007

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