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Photography Question 

Steven Ruggles

series 1 re-cementing

Hi Alan
many thanks for your time was a great help just one or two more questions if your still online or if anyone else could help way would it not be appropriate to disassembly and re-cementing. this lens & will there be a point in time when I will no longer be able to use this lens

happy new year to you

many thanks again


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January 04, 2007


Alan N. Marcus
  Hi again Steve,
First I might be wrong on my evaluation. However, upon re-reading your description, I think its separations. Probably caused by heat (automobile in summer) or the cement has become brittle due to maybe age and storage conditions. Now consider that a lens like that is quite a complicated apparatus. You need to work on it in a clean room and you need the proper tools and supplies and you need an optical test bench. Such resources are available during manufacture and assembly. It is possible these resources have been maintained and you can send the unit in for a repair estimate. Please consider that time marches on and the maker has moved on to new produces. Stated another way, lens costs are as low as they are due to economy of scale. The first one you make costs you a million bucks. Now the 100th one might only cost you $200, the 500th one might cost you $30. Now you sell the product for say $175. That’s economy of scale. I think it will cost more to have this one repaired than it will cost you to purchase of a new and better unit.

Who knows how long your lens will remain usasble. Maybe it will last until you are ready to move up to better optics.

Best of luck,
Alan Marcus

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January 04, 2007

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