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Image PREview on Canon Digital Rebel 300D?

I have looked and looked. I am new to the DSLR world and bought a Canon EOS Digital Rebel 300D. Is there a way to get a PREview of the image in the LCD screen or are you only able to compose through the viewfinder? The REview works fine. In awkward angles it's just nice to be able to use the LCD.

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January 04, 2007


Christopher A. Vedros
  No. Due to the way an SLR camera is constructed, the image from the lens is not projected onto the digital sensor until the shutter is pressed and the mirror swings up.

There are a couple of dSLR's coming onto the market now that work around this so that you can preview the image on the LCD and use it for composition, but the Digital Rebel isn't one of them.

Chris A. Vedros

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January 04, 2007


John P. Sandstedt
  If you even try to use the LCD to compose, you might just find that you make terrible pictures. That's because it's too easy to hold the camera at an oblique angle to the subject; that is, your focal plane will not be vertical.

Since many of the Canon camera utilize multiple focus points and, like my 30D and the Xti which focus preferentially at the "closest" subject found by one of these points in any mode other than the creative ones, you're likely to have a lot of pictures that are simply out of focus.

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January 22, 2007

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