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Photography Question 

Phyllis C. Stockfisch

D-200 setting

I have a D200 and noticed that in the lower left hand of the viewfinder I always have a BW highlighted. I realize that this is for the Black and White setting but my pictures are always in color. I have made sure that the BW feature is not turned on but it won't go away, is my camera feature malfunctioning?

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January 02, 2007


Jon Close
  I assume you have set Optimize Image setting to N (Normal) or other option instead of BW (Black and White). You might try setting the display custom function d3 (Viewfinder Warning) to OFF. This disables the viewfinder warnings for BW, low battery, and no memory card.

Is it possible that the warning is not specifically highlighted and you're simply seeing its permanent outline in the viewfinder? Or is it "lit" while the low batt and no card symbols next to it are not?

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January 02, 2007


Phyllis C. Stockfisch
  Yep,I have the Optimize set to N and I have tried the d3 which disables everything. The BW is actually lit. Weird. I just found out that Nikon is having a 1/2 seminar here in Atlanta on D200's in late January,I signed up and intend to have them explain it to me. Thank goodnes I still have a warranty if it broke. Once they diagnose it I will let you know what they tell me.

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January 02, 2007

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