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Photography Question 

Martin Hurley

Contributions to photo book wanted

Hi all...

I'm an Australian photographer who's currently based in Thailand, and I'm in the process of creating a book about photography. Well, actually it's more about how to help photographers make more sales, achieve more success online, basically 'become more effective photographers'.

I get the feeling that a lot of photographers spend big dollars on gear and so forth but some still don't get the sales they are after??

I know there's a lot more to it than that, so that's why I need your help...

If I use your contribution you will receive some seriously great, ongoing promotion for your website or photography business (will include your URL, email and possibly photo, etc) plus of course it's publicity for you.

I plan on pushing this book hard online... it's a great opportunity for you to have your say, and help others.

It would be wonderful to have you contribute... even if you're a newbie photographer or seasoned pro.

I won't get in-depth here, instead I'll ask you to drop me a brief email saying you're 'in', or you're keen to contribute. Then I'll email you a few simple questions that you can think about.

But if you're enthusiastic to begin writing, one question is 'what seems to be your biggest problem about selling your photography online?'...

It's going to be lots of fun. Look forward to working with you. And thanks...

Martin Hurley

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November 25, 2006


Mark Feldstein
  Seasoned pro? I'm not sure what that is exactly. IMHO, I find it somewhat ironic that you're promoting a book on how to make money in photography but not offering to PAY any money for use of the images you're soliciting. For some reason, this doesn't quite pass the smell test, if you know what I mean, Martin. ;>)

The first rule in this business, I think, is DON'T give your work away.
The second rule is get your usage fees up front after signing a stock delivery memo. I'll spare everyone the third rule. Whaddya think?
Mark F.

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November 26, 2006


Irene Troy
  I’m with you on this one, Mark! This smells suspiciously close to an e-mail I received recently. That e-mail was from someone I had never heard of - just by coincidence the writer was in Australia - and he wanted to know if I’d be interested in collaborating on a project focused on how freelance writers get work and how we promote our work. The sender asked if I’d be interested in sharing my “secrets” and experiences with marketing online and off. No mention of money was made. I deleted that e-mail.

Now, Martin, if you are legitimate and really want some help with a legitimate project, let me make a suggestion: introduce yourself here; give us some info that can be verified and then ask your questions. Many of us here have been near-victims of various online scams, some of them as a result of our membership on this site. Unfortunately, as all of us know, the Internet provides a means for unscrupulous people to make easy contact with gullible people. So, if you are for real, please don’t just get insulted; give us the real scoop and perhaps some people here will want to help. Otherwise…well, nasty as it might appear: go away.

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November 26, 2006


Mark Feldstein
  Yep. We gotta all hang together on this one. Nicely put Irene. ;>)

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November 26, 2006


Martin Hurley

Sorry I haven't replied for a while, and I can understand you being skeptical. Actually your feedback was great constructive criticism for me. I have thought further on some ideas and will include them here. As for previous 'info products' I haven't got any to show you. I've really just got my ideas. If you can handle that, read on.

Been thinking how to best help publicize you (and your work) and 'monetize' your photography... 'maybe' the ebook idea needs more work. I can't say for sure how many I will sell or not sell. It's an unknown factor. I also don't know how best to go about the process... either share the profits equally or pay photographers for their contributions. Let me think further on that. :-)

In the meanwhile here's a ballpark of what we could 'potentially' do. Firstly we could create not an ebook exactly but more a special report or mini report, where say 10 photographers contribute their perspective on photography (what they do well in their own unique field) and what we do with this is make this mini report available free for all contributors to offer at their websites or wherever they want to offer it (as a bonus with a photo sale etc).

It's not for sale, it's a gift for those people who sign up for your newsletter at your website etc. (In exchange for their email). It's a promotional report where people can learn about different aspects of photography and go visit each contributors website, sign up for newsletter, etc etc.

To be clear none of us profit financially from it (including me) however the copyright would be owned by me.

The next thing would be to create an article where I interview you. This is very win-win because although the resource box at the end of the article will point to my site and copyright will belong to me (I'll be doing all the promotion etc) the whole article will basically be about you, why you do what you do, and how etc.

And that includes links to your website/s. So it would promote both of us. This is not an article for sale. This is an article for distribution online by article submission services.

The big benefit to you is publicity. This will get your name out there and seen and give you increased publicity for your new work, exhibition, book, website, whatever is important for you, etc etc.

To be specific I will submit this article to announcement sites, my own personal list of ezine editors and get this article in front of more than 3000 editors and website owners who could potentially run it.

Of course if we do any of the above I'll give you a chance to read it beforehand and OK it with me before we go ahead. I'll need your blessings first. :-)

I know you still might be skeptical but all I can say is give me a try on this one...


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December 04, 2006


Martin Hurley

Sorry I haven't replied for a while, and I can understand you being skeptical. Actually your feedback was great constructive criticism for me. I have thought further on some ideas and will include them here. As for previous 'info products' I haven't got any to show you. I've really just got my ideas. If you can handle that, read on.

Been thinking how to best help publicize you (and your work) and 'monetize' your photography... 'maybe' the ebook idea needs more work. I can't say for sure how many I will sell or not sell. It's an unknown factor. I also don't know how best to go about the process... either share the profits equally or pay photographers for their contributions. Let me think further on that. :-)

In the meanwhile here's a ballpark of what we could 'potentially' do. Firstly we could create not an ebook exactly but more a special report or mini report, where say 10 photographers contribute their perspective on photography (what they do well in their own unique field) and what we do with this is make this mini report available free for all contributors to offer at their websites or wherever they want to offer it (as a bonus with a photo sale etc).

It's not for sale, it's a gift for those people who sign up for your newsletter at your website etc. (In exchange for their email). It's a promotional report where people can learn about different aspects of photography and go visit each contributors website, sign up for newsletter, etc etc.

To be clear none of us profit financially from it (including me) however the copyright would be owned by me.

The next thing would be to create an article where I interview you. This is very win-win because although the resource box at the end of the article will point to my site and copyright will belong to me (I'll be doing all the promotion etc) the whole article will basically be about you, why you do what you do, and how etc.

And that includes links to your website/s. So it would promote both of us. This is not an article for sale. This is an article for distribution online by article submission services.

The big benefit to you is publicity. This will get your name out there and seen and give you increased publicity for your new work, exhibition, book, website, whatever is important for you, etc etc.

To be specific I will submit this article to announcement sites, my own personal list of ezine editors and get this article in front of more than 3000 editors and website owners who could potentially run it.

Of course if we do any of the above I'll give you a chance to read it beforehand and OK it with me before we go ahead. I'll need your blessings first. :-)

I know you still might be skeptical but all I can say is give me a try on this one...


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December 04, 2006


Martin Hurley

Sorry I haven't replied for a while, and I can understand you being skeptical. Actually your feedback was great constructive criticism for me. I have thought further on some ideas and will include them here. As for previous 'info products' I haven't got any to show you. I've really just got my ideas. If you can handle that, read on.

Been thinking how to best help publicize you (and your work) and 'monetize' your photography... 'maybe' the ebook idea needs more work. I can't say for sure how many I will sell or not sell. It's an unknown factor. I also don't know how best to go about the process... either share the profits equally or pay photographers for their contributions. Let me think further on that. :-)

In the meanwhile here's a ballpark of what we could 'potentially' do. Firstly we could create not an ebook exactly but more a special report or mini report, where say 10 photographers contribute their perspective on photography (what they do well in their own unique field) and what we do with this is make this mini report available free for all contributors to offer at their websites or wherever they want to offer it (as a bonus with a photo sale etc).

It's not for sale, it's a gift for those people who sign up for your newsletter at your website etc. (In exchange for their email). It's a promotional report where people can learn about different aspects of photography and go visit each contributors website, sign up for newsletter, etc etc. To be clear none of us profit financially from it (including me) however the copyright would be owned by me.

The next thing would be to create an article where I interview you. This is very win-win because although the resource box at the end of the article will point to my site and copyright will belong to me (I'll be doing all the promotion etc) the whole article will basically be about you, why you do what you do, and how etc. And that includes links to your website/s. So it would promote both of us. This is not an article for sale. This is an article for distribution online by article submission services.

The big benefit to you is publicity. This will get your name out there and seen and give you increased publicity for your new work, exhibition, book, website, whatever is important for you, etc etc. To be specific I will submit this article to announcement sites, my own personal list of ezine editors and get this article in front of more than 3000 editors and website owners who could potentially run it.

Of course if we do any of the above I'll give you a chance to read it beforehand and OK it with me before we go ahead. I'll need your blessings first. :-) I know you still might be skeptical but all I can say is give me a try on this one...


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December 04, 2006


Christopher A. Vedros
  If this publication was for sale, why would anyone buy it? I've bought books by well-known photographers like Ansel Adams, Bryan Peterson, Kerry Drager, etc. Why would I buy a book with advice from unknown photographers? I get enough of that for free already. ;-)

If the publication is given away as a free newsletter in exchange for someone's email address, then it sounds like it's a marketing excercise. But who is being marketed? I'm a photographer and I'm trying to sell my pictures and my photography services. The LAST person I want in my target market is someone looking to learn more about photography. The more they think they can do it themselves, the less likely they are to hire me.

Think about it. How many of you photographers out there ever buy another photographer's work to hang on your wall? I don't. Besides me, the only photographers that have any pictures hanging on my walls are my wife and the guy who did our wedding.

So I don't really see how it could help me reach my target audience.

Just my opinion.

Chris A. Vedros

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December 04, 2006


Irene Troy
  The first thought that comes to mind reading your proposal is that it sounds a great deal like what we already have here at BP. As you must already know, BP provides a forum by which photographers of all skill levels can exchange ideas, ask questions and seek information from more experienced pros. There are classes, taught by some of the best in their field and a “book store” where you can buy books by some of the same people. BP now offers a service where you can have your photos critiqued by pros – a good idea for some of us. You can have a free gallery to showcase your work or pay for a more extensive gallery to promote your work. BP has a radio interview/call in show (not that I have been able to locate it on my dial here in New England!) and a series of interviews from various people in the field. To date, there hasn’t been a book put together by BP, but I could see that happening also. Of-course, various BP staff members have published their own books already.

My point: what are you proposing that is not already being done either here or elsewhere? The first rule in promoting an article, book or other publication is to develop something that has not been done before or at least, do it in a way that reaches a new audience. Otherwise, you are simply replicating what already exists.

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December 04, 2006


Martin Hurley
Good points. "why would anyone buy it?" Well you bought the Ansel Adams books etc. Don't you think it would be interesting to read about how photographers (even unknown) do what they do? I bet you have a unique approach... that's different to everyone else's. And well maybe this book won't cost $ anyway...

I think.... as a photog 'maybe' a good way to sell your services and photos is by expanding what you do... why not talk about how you do what you do... what makes 'your style' unique... you do want to reach more people right? No that you have to develop material for newbies but the more people that know about you (read about you) then the more people that will potentially want your services... and photos... or talk about you or recommend you to someone else...

Yes... I agree... you do have lots of good info here at BP. It's great... but what about all the thousands of people who don't know about BP? All those who are just coming into photography or want to learn more about it. How will they find out about BP, or you? Maybe it has been done before (at least the format but certainly not the questions I'll ask and the answers you'll give) but I'm sure the unique angle, ideas and approach you photographers have would make an interesting read.

You are different in how you create your photography, right? Wouldn't this be a good way to reach a new audience? You might talk about the problems you had trying to sell your first photo or why you chose to go with photography in the first place.

Look at the bigger potential here... to give you an example, last month approx 43,000 people searched for 'photo gallery' so what I'm trying to say is that the more 'interesting content' we have online and easily available to people so they can learn more, the better for all of us. Just a few ideas.


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December 04, 2006

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