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Photography Question 

Aimee Joseph

Fair commission to a coffe-shop gallery

What is a fair commission to pay a coffee shop owner who allows me to use wall space as a mini-gallery? I am talking to a local coffee shop owner and figure that we should have it all stated prior to putting my work up. Thanks,

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November 18, 2006


Mark Feldstein
  Nice work Aimee. I think 15-20% of the sale price to the shop owner is reasonable and fair these days. In Carmel, CA the photo gallery owners take upwards towards 50% but that's a different deal. Generally, the sale in a gallery dedicated strictly to selling photography as works of art is going to get a much higher price than work displayed in a coffee house and the gallery doesn't sell coffee to help them make their overhead.

Someone who sells coffee houses or shops may have a different way of pricing this kind of sale but as I said, 15-20% is pretty fair.
Take it light.

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November 18, 2006


Aimee Joseph
  Thanks for your response. That definitely helps. While on the topic, how much do you add to price the photo? Obviously my printing, matting and framing costs have to be included, but I am not sure where to go from there.

The whole coffee shop gallery kind of popped up unexpectedly, and personally, I am just happy to have a place to hang some work. I never really thought much about selling any of it! But I am certainly not adverse to selling something if somebody wants it!

Thanks again


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November 19, 2006


Mark Feldstein
  Hello Aimee: I don't charge per shot or sell individual prints. I charge per assignment and beforehand, provide clients with estimates for things like fees, usage rights, all expenses including film, processing, travel, assistants if used, car rentals, hotels, ad infinitm. ;>)
Be well.

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November 19, 2006

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