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Photography Question 

Susan M. Pich

black and white photo shoot

Hi. I was asked to do some band photos for promos in black and white. I'll be using Neopan 100 with a Nikon 6006 slr, 50mm lens and Sigma flash indoors. For the group of seven, I thought I'd use bounce flash and some reflectors, as I don't have all the professional lights. There are 400 watt stage lights available. Could someone offer advice if this would be adequate and also at what exposure and shutter speed they'd recommend? Thanks.

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November 15, 2006

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
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  Light the individuals or the group? 400 watts each your doing some shutter speed shots that may be low for 100 speed if you don't use more than one light at a time for. My first thought is to use them for back light. Skim lighting, for highlights to on the edges. Bounce the flash off the reflector, add some back lighting. Dark background.

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November 16, 2006


Susan M. Pich
  I'll be lighting the entire group. I appreciate the suggestion of a dark background, however, I neglected to mention that some of the band members are very dark-skinned and some are very pale., therefore, a bit of a tricky shot. I'll be shooting the flash at full power and I thought a white background with bounce flash might throw some more light on the subjects., along with using the stage lights closer to the people with darker skin. But I see your point about the 400 watts .Thanks.

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November 17, 2006

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