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Photography Question 

Michael E. Lanning

How to approach photo agents

I have a couple of websites.

My question is this.....When approaching an agent is it ok for me to basically send query letter and link to those sites? I am currently working freelance in Iraq, and feel I need a rep to help me at this point in my career.

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November 11, 2006


Mark Feldstein
  Just tell them what you're looking for, ask them if they're interested and if you've got a link to your work, give it to them and let them decide whether to use it or not.

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November 12, 2006


Michael E. Lanning
  Thanks Mark.

That is pretty much what I have been doing. But being hee in Iraq, my time is very limited on the computer. Also, the turn downs get very fustrating. However, I know that's part of the grunt work I must do. Thanks for the reply.


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November 12, 2006


Mark Feldstein
  It's kind of like looking for a wife since the union between a photographer and their rep is like a marriage. But if you get enough feelers out there, you'll get some hits (and hopefully the hits won't just keep-on coming.

You should also contact SPAR if you haven't already,
It's the society for photographers and artists reps. If you get a list of their members, at least you know you're dealing with, presumably anyway, a class act performer.
Good luck. Watch your 6.

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November 12, 2006

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