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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

What camera would be best for me?

Looking for something more flexible than a point & shoot and under $200.

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December 17, 1999 - Jim Miotke

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: King
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  It's hard to find a more powerful, flexible camera for under $200. You have two main paths you can travel down:
1. Find a used 35mm SLR camera and lens. This is what most students learn on. Good choices are the Pentax K1000, the Nikkormat, the Canon EOS 630 (has autofocus but may be hard to find for that price). There are many other camera choices in the used market. This is worth looking into if you are really into the idea of experimenting.
2. You can buy a camera that is essentially still a point & shoot but adds a few features that help you get creative. You can look at APS (Advanced Photo System) such as the Canon Elph II or traditional point & shoots such as the Fuji Discovery 320 QD.

Other than that, you can save up and explore the next level - but the entry price to this club is more like $300-$400.

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December 21, 1999

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