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Photography Question 

Linda Finstad

Exhibiting images at a market

I was wondering if anyone has any ideas and advice on how best to display / frame and hang images for sale at a market.
I have a booth at a very popular market where I sell designer hats and headwear for ladies going through chemotherapy and I have permission to promote my photography services in the new year.
I mainly want to use the traffic there to attract customers for my commercial and pet photography.
i was thinking of getting a few samples block mounted and hanging them on peg board but was worried that it would look cheesy.
please help - any sugestions would be greatly appreciated.

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November 05, 2006


John Rhodes
  Hi Linda, for my framed pieces at festivals and art galleries, I use a white rag mat (archival) and frame with black metal frames. This gives the display continuity.

Thank you for you contribution for care for cancer.


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November 05, 2006


Michael H. Cothran
You are correct. Pegboard would look cheesy. You sound as if you have a permanent setup at this market. If so, it would behoove you to have a "professional" photography setup, if you have any intentions of attracting paying customers. Pro panels (which are what I use) and Armstrong make the best grade portable walls in the business. They're over $100 per panel (38" x 7'), but a couple would give you ample room to hang a few good samples of your work. As an alternative, you could buy a couple of attractive floor easels which would each hold two framed pieces. A 6' table could be used to hold several smaller table size easels for displaying 8x10's or 11x14's.
Michael H. Cothran

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November 05, 2006


Linda Finstad
  Hi Michael
thank you for responding, I do have a permanant 10 x 10 space however I still have to sell and display my hats as my main product line - because that is what my origional application was for ( there are lots of polotics and rules)So I plan to create a 3 fold style back wall to my rear table and display a small selection of the 3 areas I kind of specialize in Equine/farm shoots - Pets and commercial one panel for each area. do you know if armstrong do table top displays?

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November 06, 2006


John Rhodes
  Linda, hello again
I forgot to add, and I second Michael's recommendation, I do use a set of four o fthe ProPanels with great success. They are the most professional looking way to display I have seen yet--however, as Michael said, they are pricy. I paid over $500 for the 4 two-part panels with the needed accessories, but I have been very pleased with them


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November 06, 2006

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