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Category: New Questions

Photography Question 

Alicia McMahill

posing the question

I have done it.... I am a working photographer, and I am well aware of only part of the problems I will now be having:] But oh the fun of learning....
And the working part...well I have only done three 'events' but they have been paid! I have been published - ok so it is in a 10 page newpaper. The people I have been working fo are happy with my work! So I am going to get a go at where I would really like to be, portraits. I have my first senior pict to do this friday. I have the place and the ideas but still am a little/lots off on the posing. I have done groups and kid shots of my kids and that sort of thing but most of them have either been totaly posed or off the cuff. I am planning on telling him to sit, stand and lean so he is comfortable and work from there. Does anyone here have guy shots? and if you do please share. I have looked in and around here for some senior picts and have found some but would love to have a few other ideas. Thanks A

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November 01, 2006

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