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Photography Question 

Luis A. Rodriguez

Which Camera CSI uses

I noticed they use film camera on the an episode of CSI Miami, I didn't catch the camera brand or model, but it was film (and I was always thinking they used digital).

I wonder what real CSI uses these days.

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October 04, 2006


John P. Sandstedt
  Generally, all TV shows and movies are paid by Nikon to show [use] their products. It's just like Coke, Bud, etc. I can't remember ever seeing a Canon or any other manufacturer's product used.

As to film, unless there was a specific sequence wherein the story line needed a "negative," there's no way you saw a film camera. Nikon stopped manufacturing all film SLRs [with the exception of the F6] months ago. Since the showing of a product on a TV show is just another form of advertising, why would they show a product that isn't current?

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October 04, 2006


Raymond H. Kemp
  I saw an episode a couple of months ago and it was a Nikon D200.

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October 04, 2006


Jon Close
  Note that even though a DSLR is probably in the actor's hands, TV and movies often dub in the more familiar film winding whine of a film camera.
So a 3-shot sequence has the sound effect "chkk eeeeeeeeeen, chkk eeeeeeeeen, chkk eeeeeeeeeen" instead of "chk, chk, chk"

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October 04, 2006


Marianne Fortin
  I noticed that they use Nikon Digital SLR cameras on CSI (Las Vegas) and wondered if real CSIs would need such expensive gear. Wouldn't a "high-end P&S super-zoom" be sufficient. Would they need different lenses?

Of course, in the real world they would be spending tax-payers money so anything goes!

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October 04, 2006


Luis A. Rodriguez
  I'm sure I saw film, because the camera was summerged in water and when they open it, they show the ruined film, if they wanted digital they should show the ruined SD chip instead.

(it was CSI Miami, last weeks episode)

I think CSI's need the best resolution possible, maybe that's why they sometimes still use film.

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October 04, 2006


Andrew Laverghetta
  I would THINK that REAL csi people would use film. I would think nowadays it'd be easier to prove a case with film images (negatives) than from digital files.

By the way, does water really ruin film? If you were to get it in a darkroom or a changing back and either dry the camera (if it's fully manual) or get a new camera, could you somehow dry the film in some situations and still save some images on the film? Maybe not take new pics though, I'm not sure. I know when I develop film the prewash tends to rinse out purplish or something other than clear depending on the emulsion (black and white film).

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October 07, 2006

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  You think that why their was a film camera was because they needed the story line to show a camera being opened up and the film ruined. Not the dramatic impact to do that with a card.
And yes, water can mess up your film. For one, your prewash is done right before developing. Not left to sit wet in a film container. And for two, when you drop film in water or a camera, you usually drop it in lake water, salt water, or chlorinated pool water.
And police do use digital.

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October 07, 2006


Danielle E. Rutter
  Speaking P&S, though... sometimes on CSI (the original... dunno about the others) they do use point and shoot cameras. Little itty bitty ones.

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October 08, 2006


Jon Close
  Fujifilm has recently announced a DSLR aimed specifically at police work (as well as medical and fine art), with enhanced UV and IR sensitivity. Fujifilm FinePix S3 Pro UVIR

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October 09, 2006


Justin G.
  my father is an OSHA inspector for the state of indiana and they issue out film gear (too bad it's nikon, lol). anyways they considered making the move to digital but then they realized that the images could be altered so they stuck with film.

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October 09, 2006


Marianne Fortin
  I know they were using digital in a previous season of CSI Vegas because one of the CSIs stated that the card was missing from her camera. Basically saying that someone had removed it after she had taken shots of a crime scene.

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October 10, 2006


Craig m. Zacarelli
  i always heard they hve to use film cams... because its too easy to manipulate a digi file... and in one episode I remember (csi las vegas) warick saying he grabbed the film from his fridge!
whats up wit dat?

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October 11, 2006


Luis A. Rodriguez
  I guess he likes to use fresh film!

Talking about TV shows, now I'm watching a new one called Six Degrees, one of the main characters is a photographer, and he mainly uses B&W film I haven't been able to catch which camera he uses. At least I know is film because he develops his own film on his darkroom.

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October 11, 2006


Jon Close
  >>"... in one episode I remember (csi las vegas) warick saying he grabbed the film from his fridge!
whats up wit dat?" <<

At room temperature and higher, film ages and its characteristics change/degrade over time. Professional films are aged to their optimal performance, then refridgerated to preserve that performance. It is especially critical to keep Infrared films (an important forensic tool) cool/refridgerated until used.

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October 11, 2006


Jon Close
  D'oh. spelling. s/b "refrigerated"

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October 11, 2006


Luis A. Rodriguez
  Well back in the topic on TV shows using film.

There's a new show on F/X that's called Dirt, is about tabloid magazine, so a lot of photography is taking place, one of the main characters, a photographer called Don Konkey, uses film only, he won't go to digital, he uses the tiniests cameras to the more sophisticated ones, I haven't caught the brands or models of them.

- The tiniest camera is about 2 x 1.5 inches I wonder what film it uses.
- Of course he usues the megazoom lenses, say 40X zoom?
- He also shoots in the night w/o flash and far away, I wonder what film, camera and lenses are used for that?

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March 16, 2007


Debby A. Tabb
  Ok besides Photography CSI is my only addiction!!
and I believe Ray is right, we knew it was the Nikon D70 last season and before that.
"But I said about 3 weeks or so ago, hey that looks like my D200..?!"
and I do beleive it may be.
Thanks Ray,

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March 16, 2007


Debby A. Tabb
  But Gregory,
There was also the episod with the man who had a Large Baby Room for himself, he had went off the ballcony of his home.
While shooting the outside shoots, Katheryn ( I believe) sets the Camera down and the Chip gets taken from it.
The episod was "King Baby"
....Catherine goes into her office and plugs her digital camera into her computer. Nothing. She checks the memory card and finds that is isn't hers. Someone switched her 256 MB card with a 32 MB card. She has no evidence photos. ....

Taken from :

this a great thread!

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March 16, 2007


Luis A. Rodriguez
  Six Degrees show is back on the air, the photographer uses lots of film, in fact B&W (won a cover deal with one).

Another show with photography: America's next top model, but they use digital mostly, I think because they want to see them immediatly, I bet they have the very best digitals out there.

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April 16, 2007


Michael A. Bielat
  Yep. CSI uses Nikons. Have you seen that they have Nikon's new close up Speedlight (R1 I bleieve) in use now?

Any of those model shows have their pro shooters using the best in digital medium format like Hasselblad H2Ds and Mamiyas...

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April 17, 2007


  last time I saw miami they were using canon!
and also for the first episode of NY they use olympus
then mysteriously switch to nikon.

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August 26, 2008

- Carolyn M. Fletcher

BetterPhoto Member
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  Their shots probably all turn out awful anyway, did you notice they never turn on a light? And they sure don't bother to take the time to focus or anything so mundane as that.

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August 26, 2008

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