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Photography Question 

Denis Hall

printing problem

  bad printer lines example
bad printer lines example
Using an Epson 1270 Stylus Photo, Windows XP, Photoshop CS2, but lines also occur in other applications.

Denis Hall

I have an older printer, Epson 1270 Photo Sylus, which has served me well except for a periodically recurring problem. The print heads run lines of one color-sometimes magenta, sometimes cyan--across the photo and into the margins of the paper. About the time I hit the ceiling, its stops doing it. I've changed ink cartridges and sometimes that fixes the problem. But I just replaced with a new cartridge and it's doing it again. I know it's the printer because the problem occurs in different application programs. Please help. My workflow is at a standstill. Thanks in advance.

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October 03, 2006

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