BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

Elizabeth A. Kitts

Letter of Completion

After completing a betterphoto class do you receive a letter of completion?

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October 03, 2006


Kerry Drager
  Hi Elizabeth,
Thanks for your interest in BetterPhoto's online classes! Yes, indeed, after completing a class, a very nice Certificate of Completion is available.

Thanks again!

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October 03, 2006


Elizabeth A. Kitts
  Thank you very much for your quick response.

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October 04, 2006


Pat Worster
  Yes you can get a letter of completion but you have to pay for it which I think is crazy considering the amount you pay to take the classes. I know it is only a few dollars but we pay hundreds of dollars to take the course, the certificate should be free, I mean how much does it actually cost them to make it.

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October 06, 2006


BetterPhoto Member
  Hi Elizabeth,

You have the option to download a certificate free of charge or choose the printed version where we only charge for shipping ($4.95 U.S.).

Be sure to let me know if you have any other questions about our online courses.


Heather Young

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October 06, 2006


  Hi Heather,

Hope you don't mind that I add my questions.

I chose to get the downloaded version on the last course I took. But where is this file located? Are you sending a file to download or where can I locate this file?

Thank you,

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October 06, 2006

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