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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Why does it look like that?

Why is it that the pictures that I take with my camcorder seem to look better than the pictures that I take with my film slr? What am I doing or not doing?

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September 21, 2006


Samuel Smith
  welcome marquita,
not really a fair question.both say it was taken with the same didn't give shutter speed and aperature,iso,your backgrounds are different colors.
gee my neck hurts from looking at the second photo.
spot metering?matrix or evaluative?tripod..c'mon,just a bit more.
I thought they both looked about the same,sam

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September 21, 2006


Jon Close
  If you're talking about the yellow color cast in the film shot, it's because you're using daylight balanced film but the lighting is more yellow from typical tungsten-bulb lamps. The camcorder and digital still cameras can electronically correct the color balance for different lighting sources, film cannot. With film you either have to shoot with tungsten-balanced film, or use daylight film but add a color correcting 80-series filter on the lens, or give specific instructions to the lab making the prints to make the color correction.

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September 22, 2006


Andrew Laverghetta
  Something that I might suggest is buying something like a Canon Speedlite. It's a seperate flash made by Canon that mounts on the top of the camera (on the hotshoe). Then you can bounce the flash off of the ceiling in these situations and get more even light and generally your shots won't be blurry because the flash is very very fast. I am suggesting Canon brand because it's what will probably work best without fuss.

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September 23, 2006

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