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Photography Question 


Flash batteries so HOT,Flash dosn't fire

Hello, I am a Wedding photographer. I sometimes take over a thousand pictures during a wedding. Lately, I've noticed that while I've been using my flash my batteries have become really hot and the flash doesn't work. All the settings on my camera are fine but when I go to use the flash, it's not working. I am using the best alkaline batteries (not rechargeable). If someone has had this problem and knows what the cause is, and what to do about it, can you please let me know.

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September 20, 2006


Mark Feldstein
  Without actually putting a VOM meter on your flash, it's hard to tell. But it sounds like you've got a short in it somewhere, likely the thyrister or in the recharging circuit that's causing the batteries to work overtime and heat up. You need a back-up flash anyway. (I recommend a Quantum Q-Flash, like a #2 or even 4 along with a Turbo Battery).

Take it light.

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September 20, 2006


  Thanks Mark,I'll check it out...The flash what I use right now is Canon 580EX with Canon 20D.

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September 20, 2006

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