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Ka Yee Ella Kwan

Which good quality filter fit a wide angle len?

Hi, I've just got my Nikkor 17-35 mm lens, (my dream lens :) hoho), and got the Cokin X-pro series filters (NDgrad, polarizer, warming) filters. My UV filter is a slim Hoya super multi-coated with front thread.

I use my lens on my film camera. So it is really as wide as 17 mm. This is why I chose the the X-pro series filters. The P or Z series really doesn't fit.

However, I found that the quality of these filter is really not good. I want to look for some good quality filters that can fit the 17 mm lens. Square filters are probably good becuase I use ND grad very often. Do you know if Lee, Tifen, B+W or other good brands have filters that's the best for the lens?

When I see many pictures taken with wide angle lens by both professional and serious amateur on this site, I know ND grad and polarizer or sometime ND filters are used. If any of you can tell me what filters (and holders) you use, I will be greatly apprecited.

I may not be able to purchase them for now, but really want to get them in the future since I don't want to waste my lens.

Thank you very much with your help,

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September 12, 2006


Herb T. Walsh
  Hi Ella . I have a 18 to 35mm Sigma . It
has a huge 82mm filter size. They cost lot's . So I bought B/W Filters They are high quility . I bought a Red and a Num 2
soft focus..for around 350.00 Canadian.
For the most part I never use
I use the red when shooting B/W Infra Red
Film ..The soft focus just get's used once in a while.Most of the time I have no filter on the lens...I'm just careful not to hurt it.. Hope this helps Herb.

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September 15, 2006


Ka Yee Ella Kwan
  Thank you, Herb. I'll take a look at BW.

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September 19, 2006


Mark Feldstein
  Hey Ella: As you probably know already, filters on wide-angle lenses may cause vignetting around the edges, no matter what size they are, particular on a 17mm lens. So to prevent that, you may need to actually try a particular filter out or get a "slim" ring filter.

What I'm a bit curious about is why you said you're not happy with the quality of the Hoya filters. What don't you like about them?? In my own experience, I've found them to be quite good, excellent in fact, even measured against my B+W filters or even Hasselblad filters made by Zeiss with Schott glass (which I tend to think is a marketing gimmick).

Nonetheless, another solution to your situation is to go with a Hitech resin filter system, mounting rings to fit all your lenses and a universal filter holder that can be used on all your lenses for a single set of optical resin filters.

The Hitech system is sold by

One last thing: Herb mentioned using a red filter for I/R work which, of course, is absolutely right. But for those who may not know exactly, there different densities of red filters and the best one for for I/R film is a #45
red, not the lower 23 or 25 models. ;>)

Okie dokie? Hope this helps too. Take it light.

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September 19, 2006


Ka Yee Ella Kwan
  Hi Mark,

I think you misunderstood. I like my Hoya filter. What I don't like is my Cokin filters. I am also using a slim Hoya Super HMC UV filter for my wide angle lens.

But I usually use more than one filters for my landscape photographs. So I want to buy some big filters to avoid the vignetting effect.

The size of the Cokin X-pro series is really good, but I'm just not very satisfy with the quality of the filters. So would like to see if I can find some better filters.

I've just find that Tiffen has some very good filters that I want, but they are really expensive. I'll have to save money for later purchase.

Anyway, I thank you very much for your help.


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October 10, 2006

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