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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

Kerry Drager

New BetterPhoto Radio Program!

Hi Everyone,
So many exciting things are going on at BetterPhoto these days. As if this weekend's big 2nd Annual Summit Photography Weekend wasn't enough, we are launching the BetterPhoto Radio show!

This Internet radio program will feature insights on digital photography. The one-hour show kicks off at 1 p.m. (Pacific time) this Friday, September 15th - just before the Summit (September 16th-17th). Here's a rundown of the program's format:

Each week, Jim Miotke, President of and author of The BetterPhoto Guide to Digital Photography, will offer techniques and then invite one of BetterPhoto's world-acclaimed instructors to share tips and thoughts. Next will be a time
devoted to questions from call-in listeners, followed by the program wrap-up.

The show will be archived right here at BetterPhoto and at the host,

If you have a question about digital photography, call in on Fridays, around 1:30 pm Pacific time, toll free 1-877-474-3302. Or email your question or comments to us at bpr @

We look forward to your input ... and, for me, I am looking forward to hearing Jim and one of BP's pro instructors share their expertise each week!

Enjoy the show, everyone!

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September 12, 2006


Sharon Day
  Wow, this is cool! I guess it's going to be for photography what Kim Komando is for computers?

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September 12, 2006


Kerry Drager
  Hi Sharon,
Thanks for the note ... yes, definitely, this new show is going to be soooooo cool! And your Kim Komando reference ... :-)

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September 12, 2006


Kara L. Hendricks
  I think this is a great idea... Thanks for letting us know... Just another way to spread the knowledge... I appreciate it!!

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September 13, 2006


Kerry Drager
  Hi Kara,
Thanks for jumping in with the nice thoughts ... glad that you like the idea! And you definitely stated our goal perfectly: "Another way to spread the knowledge"!!

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September 13, 2006


  WOW what wonderful idea very cool I Be Listening for sure !!

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September 13, 2006


Kerry Drager
  Hi Khawla,
Thanks for your support ... much appreciated!!

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September 13, 2006


Melinda B. Wilburn
  South Carolina is beatiful and has lots of great shooting spots. The coast around Charleston or Savannah, Ga. Very historical and beatiful in the spring.
M. Wilburn

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November 05, 2006

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