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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member


why is iso 100 film preferred over iso 100 film?

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September 09, 2006 - Donald R. Curry

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Donald R. Curry
Donald R. Curry's Gallery
  You may want to restate your question.

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September 09, 2006


Andrew Laverghetta
  sounds like you're working on a test here...seems like you're getting your questions answered but if it's for an exam or questionairre type thing...

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September 10, 2006


Pete H
  My assumption based on your question would be that ISO 100 is probably more versatile than ISO 100. LOL


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September 11, 2006 - Donald R. Curry

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Donald R. Curry
Donald R. Curry's Gallery
  I have always prefered ISO 100 film. Pete which one of the two do you prefer?

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September 11, 2006


Pete H
  Well Donald..It's a hard choice..Lemme' see? My choices were 100 ISO or ISO 100 right? Hmmm?
I have to go with ISO 100.

Now; in low light situations when I have ISO 400 OR ISO 400, I'd probably choose the ISO 400!


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September 11, 2006

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