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Karolyn R. Moltzan

Professional Camera Cleaning

I have a Canon EOS Digital Rebel XT. I would very much like to have it professionally cleaned - I don't wish to attempt it myself. Does anyone know where I can have this done? I'm in North Dakota, and after looking in the Yellow Pages, haven't found any place that specifically says it offers this kind of service. Is it best to send it in to the manufacturer? I appreciate any help or advice on the subject.

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September 06, 2006


Mark Feldstein
  Greetings Karolyn:
My guess is you'll probably need to ship your EOS out of state for a CLA (cleaning, lube and adjustment).

Two places come to mind. This is CRIS Camera Repair and instrument Services in Chandler, Arizona. They're an authorized Canon repair facility and can be reached at 480-940-1103. The second is the repair crew at in Atlanta. I regularly send my 35mm film gear into KEH for CLA and I've dealt with CRIS for servicing and calibrating meters. Both are quite reputable and have been around a long while. You can call both for a "guestimate" on what it'll cost, and barring needing parts they'll stick to the estimate although they may say send it in so they can really give you a concrete number. That's not unusual.

Some shops btw, including ones that I and other pros use, offer different levels of CLA, from what some guys call Blue Ribbon service where the shop tears the entire body down, cleans, adjusts, relubricates every internal moving part, and reassembles, to doing lesser more minor cleaning which may perfectly suffice in some situations depending on how dirty or how much use the camera body is.

Okie dokie?
Take it light.

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September 06, 2006


Karolyn R. Moltzan
  Thanks ever so much, Mark! I just wasn't getting anywhere trying to research myself, I doubted there would be a place in ND, but I didn't know where to start looking elsewhere, either. I really appreciate your help and the information!
Thanks again,

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September 06, 2006


Mark Feldstein
  My pleasure Kary. Let me know if you want a few more recommendations, Chicago, New York and San Francisco??

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September 06, 2006


John P. Sandstedt
  There are Canon Authorized Service Shops in almost every state. Some only handle cameras, some only printers and scanners.

You need to got the Canon website and log onto Tech Support. Then, check the page for Service Shops.

There's a huge one in my backyard [Jamesburg, NJ,] in fact, it's a major Canon warehousing center. But, there are at least five other places listed for New Jersey.

I'm sure there's one near you.

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October 14, 2006


David F. Dornberg
The advice above is great, but I will tell you that you'll go broke once your warranty has run out if you try to send your camera in every time your sensor gets some dust on it. Digital SLR's are notorious dust magnets, which is why I started cleaning my own sensor whenever it pulled in some dust. Here is something I posted on another thread that may help you in the long run.

Here is a great link to a site that will give you step by step instructions on how to clean your sensor the proper way, so that you won't ruin it.

Once you get the hang of it, you may want to purchase a couple of other gadgets that will make you cleaning experience even easier. I'm purchased some cleaning supplies from Micro Tools and they have great prices and are very reputable too. Here is a link to their site.

I purchased the Optivisor, loupe and visor light and this made a world of difference when trying to see the dust on my sensor.

Good luck!


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October 22, 2006


Andrea Molina

Hi there. if all you need is a sensor cleaning, think about learning how to do it yourself. I invested a about $200 bucks in visible dust brushes and products, and I am EXTREMELY satisfied with them. I leanred how to do it myself, and feel comfortable doing it.

Check out if interested. I am an amatuer in every sense and wigged out when I realzed the sensor was dirty on my new canon. I was terrified of handing my *baby* over to someone else! LOL....that motivated me to do it myself.

This response is probably over due, so I am curious how you handled your stuation, and what you might have learned and are willing to share!!!

Thanks :)


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March 23, 2007


John P. Sandstedt
  But, folks, if you had purchased the right camera in the first instance, cleaning at the authorized service center is Free!

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March 23, 2007


The Hitmaker
  Mark (or anyone else),
Do you have a recommendation for a place to get my camera cleaned in Chicago?

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October 04, 2007


Andrea Molina
  No one will give a camera more TLC than it's adoring owner :)

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October 04, 2007

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