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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

Denis Hall

depth of field

Does anyone know the best program or mode setting to capture the greatest depth of field on a Nikon Coolpix 5900?

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September 05, 2006


Mike Rubin
  On the Coolpix 5900 you cannot adjust the aperture. To get the greatest DOF you would need to use one of the scene modes , such as "Landscape"
I hope this helps.

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September 05, 2006


Samuel Smith
  which one does your manual say you should use??

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September 05, 2006


Ariel Lepor
  If you can get a high iso, it may shrink the aperture. Using less zoom also increases the dof. Check out helicon focus for mixing pictures with different foci.


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September 06, 2006

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