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Photography Question 

Holly Marie Spoonley

JTL Customer service

I just purchased a new lighting kit from JTL and it arrived damaged. When I called the customer service hotline the service agent wanted me to pay for the shipping to have the items returned, costing me a great deal of money. He didn't seem to care that I paid good money for the kit and didn't think that there was any need for concern that it did not arrive in good condition. Photography equipment does not come cheap! He continued to demand that either I pay to have it shipped back or I keep the broken merchandise. When I asked to speak to a manager he hung up on me. When I called back he had changed his voice and sang to a different tune. I didn't have a question for this posting. I just wanted to inform our community of the poor service I have experienced. JTL was so quick to take my money, but refused to uphold customer service. I know that the next time I order lighting for my studio, I will not buy from JTL. I want high quality equipment that also provides service to their clients.

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August 10, 2006


Irene Troy
  Holly - I am really sorry that you had to endure such a horrific customer service nightmare! Now-a-days it seems that the new slogan for many businesses is "the customer is always wrong". Just as a bit of wisdom garnered from enduring similar experiences; I now do business only with B&H Photo ( my local small camera shop. Both businesses are a bit old fashioned in that they seem to believe that customers are important to their continued success! I hope that this works out for you.

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August 10, 2006


Holly Marie Spoonley
  Thank you for the suggestion. I have worked with B&H Photo in the past, they are great! I had originally ordered thru Porters for this order. Porters upheld a superior level of service, but when I had to speak with JTL because the equipment was shipped damaged they were rude. We live and we learn. Society is definitley changing. I thank you for your kind words.

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August 10, 2006


Mark Feldstein
  If you ordered THIS equipment through Porters and they just had it 'drop-shipped" from JTL, then your recourse is with Porters as the seller, NOT JTL. That's basic contract law and the rule under the Uniform Commercial Code.

Porters expedites delivery of merchandise by getting it sent from the manufacturer and at the same time, benefits from not having to have a large on-hand inventory. If I've got this scenario you explained correctly, then Porters and not JTL should get this fixed. And, btw, another rule is that if it's damaged goods out of the box, or the first 30 days, they owe you a new replacement at THEIR expense (which includes the cost of shipping back and forth).

Take it light.

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August 11, 2006


Mark Feldstein
  BTW, if the seller gives you any flack over the cost of shipping, file a bonafide good-faith dispute with your credit card company for the entire amount including defective (damaged) goods and shipping. That way, you don't need to pay for it, or ship anything to anyone, until it gets resolved. ;>)

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August 11, 2006


Holly Marie Spoonley
  Mark, I thought so too. I had originally contacted Porters and they forwarded my information over to JTL. I have had such a problem with this. I have even asked for a manager at JTL and I get the run around. I think it is just another lesson for that I have learned from. I will probably buy only from my local camera store, for now on.

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August 11, 2006


Holly Marie Spoonley
  I can file a dispute like that even if I used a Visa Check Card? Would I go directly thru the bank?

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August 11, 2006


Mark Feldstein
  I would think you could go directly through your banks customer service number. Just tell them you received defective merchandise out of the box and they're refusing to replace it without additional costs to you. ;>)

I'd also add to your list of vendors. They're excellent.


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August 12, 2006


Mark Feldstein
  One other thing Holly...well, two actually. First, Shutterbug mag has a complaint resolution crew. Also, has a section called "neighbor to neighbor" that offers evaluations on a gazillion manufacturers and sellers. You could let JTL know they're going to end up as the poster children for manufacturers NOT to buy from becauase their equipment is so cheap and crummy, it won't even survive a trip in a poorly packaged container from their warehouse to your home without being broken.

Lastly, you want to get to the CEO's office at JTL not a low level manager. If you can't find one, then add that to your reports at Shutterbug and I know this is a hassel, but taking the law into your own jaw is an empowering experience and you'll be doing a service for other photographers.


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August 12, 2006

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